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Light Language Videos
(Ascension & Self Mastery Series)

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For those who are new to Light Language, it may interest you to read our free blog ''Liberate Your Soul's Voice & Awaken Your Innate Healing Ability'', to better understand the transformational & healing powers of Light Language.


Light Language Transmissions are a powerful tool that we can use to accelerate our Ascension and/or healing journey.


There are free Light Language videos available on our official YouTube channel - for those who wish to check them out (simply scroll down to the bottom of this page & click on the YouTube symbol there). 



In today's Light Language Transmission, our Higher Self will assist Ascending individuals who are ready, to embrace more of our higher dimensional, magical abilities. Information on the Law of Precipitation & Etherealization had been provided in previous channeled messages, titled: "How to Create Miracles (Part 1 & 2)" by Sananda, in 2019. These messages are available to read on our website (quick link has been provided below). As some of you here may already know, the Light Codes contained within every New Light Language video, build upon the Light Codes provided in all previous transmissions in the Series. And so, in order to activate all of the light codes in this video, it is important that you have already received and deeply integrated ALL previous transmissions, especially the ones on the 7 Sacred Flames -- prior to watching today's video. Listening to the entire set (7 transmissions) at least 3x, is highly recommended. However as usual, please listen to your heart & intuition, to find out if this transmission is suitable for you, in this NOW moment. And for people here who are new to this Ascension/Self Mastery series, remember that the effectiveness of this LLT will depend entirely on: the attained level of Love & Light within your consciousness, and your willingness to completely surrender to Divine Love & transform into a Higher Aspect of your Self. All of our Light Language Transmissions here are limitless, multidimensional and timeless. Simply open up your mind, body & heart, during the transmission, to receive the Light Codes embedded within. It is also highly recommended for you to listen to this transmission, without using a headset or earphones. With love & light, Namaste.


In this video, Claire - the Elohim Purity and his divine complement Astrea, along with Archangel Gabriel and Ascended Master Serapis Bey will be assisting all of us in mastering the 4th Ray of Purity & Resurrection. Each one of the Seven Sacred Flames is more dominant on a specific day of the week. For example, the White Flame is associated with Wednesday, and so if we make it a habit to listen to at least one LLT per day, always on the day where it is more dominant, then this daily habit will greatly assist us in mastering all of the 7 Sacred Flames. And if you’re wondering about the days where the other 6 Rays are more dominant, you might want to write the following information down. Thursday is associated with the Green Flame of Healing. Friday is the Golden Ruby Flame of Peace. Saturday is the Violet Flame of Transmutation & Freedom. Sunday is the Blue Flame of Divine Will & Power. Monday is the Golden Yellow Flame of Wisdom & Illumination. And Tuesday is the Pink Flame of Divine Love. All of the Light Language Transmissions on this website, are multidimensional and timeless. As always, please check with your heart to find out if this 'Transmission of Light' is meant for you. We highly recommend that you listen to this audio transmission without using a headphone/earphones. Just let the sounds to fill up the room that you are in; infusing your entire lower bodies & auric field with powerful, transformative Light Codes. PS: You can watch a slightly longer preview on our official YouTube channel - simply scroll all the way down to the bottom of this page & click on the YouTube icon there.


The ultimate goal of this transmission, is to help you attain an Abundance Consciousness for ALL aspects of your life (especially financial abundance). It is time for all lightworkers, to create & manifest a physical reality where FREEDOM is the name of the game - in life. This transmission will be assisting you & the Human Collective, to manifest a timeline where Financial Freedom is experienced by ALL on Earth. Please note, this transmission has been created in conjunction with the ''Financial Freedom & the Law of Abundance - by St. Germain'' channeled message --> that will be released sometime in the near future. This upcoming message will assist in expanding our conscious understanding about the important role money has, in the creation of New Earth. As usual, today's transmission will be conveyed to you using the Language of Light, so that you can receive the full spectrum of its healing benefits. Simply check with your heart to find out if this transmission is meant for you. We highly recommend that you listen to this audio transmission without using a headphone or earphones. Simply let the sounds to fill up the room that you are in - infusing your entire lower bodies & auric field with powerful, transformative Light Codes. ============================================== Disclaimer: Light Language is a powerful tool for healing, and for accelerating our Ascension process. However, it remains simply a tool. For your life to change, you need to give it time for the Light Codes to transform you from the inside out, and then, in the days/weeks/months ahead, always follow your heart's directions by taking inspired actions. Your heart will guide & give you directions about the steps that you need to take, to create and manifest financial freedom in your physical reality. And to attain an abundance consciousness in all aspects of your life. Raphael’s Healing Space provides no guarantees, and we cannot be held responsible for any outcome, interpretation, decision, or action taken by viewers after watching/listening to this transmission. The information within the videos, channeled messages & blogs on this website is oftentimes channeled, spiritual materials from the Great Light Beings within Heaven's Hierarchy (e.g. Ascended Masters, Higher Self, Angels). However, you must always use your own discernment & inner guidance, when deciding whether to believe or follow all the information provided here. All rights reserved - Raphael’s Healing Space.


What does TIME mean to you? For me personally, time is a symbol of transformation. With each passing day, we become more like the Divine Presence within. And so, today I've been inspired to create a transmission that will act as a Sacred Key, to help us become a 'Master of Time'. The purpose/intentions set for this transmission had been fully explained in the video. The inspiration for this video came from Mahavatar Babaji. I recently posted a short channeled message from Him on the R.H.S. Facebook page (on May 3rd, 2023). If you're interested to read this short channeling, you can visit our Facebook page, or, you can simply scroll all the way down below. Today's transmission will be conveyed to you using the Language of Light, so that you can receive the full spectrum of its healing & transformational benefits. Simply check with your heart to find out if this transmission is meant for you. We highly recommend that you listen to this audio transmission without using a headphone or earphones. Simply let the sounds to fill up the room that you are in - infusing your entire lower bodies & auric field with powerful, transformative Light Codes. Disclaimer: Light Language is a powerful tool for healing, and for accelerating our Ascension process. However, it remains simply a tool. For your life to change, you need to give it time for the Light Codes to transform you from the inside out, and then, in the days/weeks/months ahead, always follow your heart's directions by taking inspired actions. Your heart will guide & give you directions about the steps that you need to take, to become a 'Master of Time'. Raphael’s Healing Space provides no guarantees, and we cannot be held responsible for any outcome, interpretation, decision, or action taken by viewers after watching/listening to this transmission. The information within the videos on this website is oftentimes channeled from the Great Light Beings within Heaven's Hierarchy (e.g. Ascended Masters, Higher Self, Angels). However, you must always use your own discernment & inner guidance, when deciding whether to believe or follow all the information/advice provided here. All rights reserved - Raphael’s Healing Space. ============================================== Mahavatar Babaji ~ channeled via Adele Arini (3 May 2023). ‘’A big part of your spiritual journey involves releasing all attachments to TIME. This concept that people call ‘’time’’ is nothing but a strong illusion that oftentimes binds, restricts, or limits individuals who believe in its existence. When one is ascending, one will naturally embrace the eternal nature of the Divine Presence within – The Presence that is never constrained by TIME. When Mr. A says to Mr. B: ‘’Hurry up, there is no more time.’’ Mr. B, who has become the living embodiment of his Divine Presence, will probably respond by not saying anything. Within his consciousness, there exists a strong, unshakable knowing, that there is always enough time - for anything that he wishes to do, be, have or experience, in life. And as such, Mr. A’s statement was NOT his TRUTH, for he knows (beyond any shadow of doubt) that in the Ultimate Reality that is the Divine realm, time does not exist. Indeed, there is NO TIME. Mr. A was verbalizing the Highest Truth – albeit without his conscious awareness. Whenever people are pushing you to do/be anything, with TIME being the reason, always remember that you are not here, on Earth, to do/be what other people want you to do/be. Your Soul is here to experience life to the fullest, and it follows no one’s agenda but its own. And as such, never compare your life, your progress, your achievements/accomplishments with another’s. To move forward; to rest; to take time off to learn; to go on an adventure, or to do absolutely nothing – all of this is within your Divine Right to choose. It is YOUR life after all, and absolutely no one on Earth, has the God-given right to judge what you do (or not do) with it. When you have fully & deeply understood the concept of NO TIME, and, claimed this as YOUR Truth, the following will occur: You are setting yourself FREE to live your life, always flowing with the currents of Divine Love & Grace. Knowing that everything is exactly as it should be right now, and there is truly nothing that you are ‘’supposed" to do/be. You are LOVE, experiencing life on Earth as the Love-that-You-Are-Within. Your Sacred Heart will always guide you to people, situations, or circumstances that will help you expand, express, or become MORE of the Love-That-You-Are-Within. I invite all of you now, to become a “Master of Time’’, by consciously choosing to become someone who is not bound by the concept of time. When one is not bound by time, one can: get sneak previews of different timelines, so you can either jump to/create new timelines, or, switch the reality that you wish to view/experience, to different realities; different realms of existence -- easily and effortlessly. When one enters “The Door of NO TIME'', one enters The Door to Infinite Possibilities. When one has become a Master of Time, one’s decisions, actions, or moves cannot be easily understood by those who are still strongly bound to TIME. When one has become a Master of Time, one attains the Experiential Knowledge that: All Was, Is, and Will always be Well -- for you and for ALL. Everything and everyone that exist in this Divine NOW moment, are exactly as they should be. ALL is Divine Perfection playing with Infinite Aspects of Itself, with Earth as its playground. Om Shanti. May the Flame of Divine Peace dwell within your Mind, Body, Speech, & Spirit.”


This transmission is all about expansion of the Sacred Heart, by embracing the shadow-side in ourselves & others as well. It is light-coded to help us learn to trust ourselves; to trust the people/world around us; to trust Spirit/God/the Universe/Higher Self/the Divine - more fully. This transmission will be conveyed to you using the Language of Light, so that you can receive the full spectrum of its healing & transformational benefits. Simply check with your heart to find out if this transmission is meant for you. We highly recommend that you listen to this audio transmission without using a headphone or earphones. Simply let the sounds to fill up the room that you are in - infusing your entire lower bodies & auric field with powerful, transformative Light Codes. Disclaimer: Light Language is a powerful tool for healing, and for accelerating our Ascension process. However, it remains simply a tool. For your life to change, you need to give it time for the Light Codes to transform you from the inside out, and then, in the days/weeks/months ahead, always follow your heart's directions by taking inspired actions. Your heart will guide & give you directions about the steps that you need to take, to experience further expansion of your Sacred Heart. Raphael’s Healing Space provides no guarantees, and we cannot be held responsible for any outcome, interpretation, decision, or action taken by viewers after watching/listening to this transmission. The information within the videos provided on this website, is oftentimes channeled from Great Light Beings within Heaven's Hierarchy (e.g. Ascended Masters, Higher Self, Angels). However, you must always use your own discernment & inner guidance, when deciding whether to believe or follow any advice provided here. All rights reserved - Raphael’s Healing Space.

- Hours of Operation -

Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday:

9 AM to 2 PM, and 5 PM to 8 PM.


Sunday: 10 AM to 1 PM. 

Times are in AEDT (Aus. Eastern Daylight Time).

Sessions are available both on-site & online.


- Adele Arini -

Reiki Master Healer.

Pellowah Practitioner.

Access Bars Practitioner (BP).

Spiritual & Ascension Guide.

Light Language Practitioner & Teacher.

Soul Lineage/Akashic Records Guide.


ABN: 96 545 019 054

- Contact us -

Located 10-15 minutes' walk from Murrumbeena Train Station.

Melbourne VIC 3163 - Australia.


Click on 'Contact us' tab at the top of the page & fill in the form, if you wish to get in touch. 

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Copyright © 2015 - 2025 Adele Arini's Raphaels Healing Space. All rights reserved.

All images and contents on this website must not be copied, used, reproduced or distributed without written permission.


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