Union of Opposites ~ by the I AM Presence (17 Oct 2024).

''You are living in a time of the Great Transition, dear ones.
A time is coming when all opposites will gradually, but inevitably, come together—merging, being accepted, and becoming one in various ways, shapes, and forms.
Soon, your perspectives, understanding, love, and compassion will elevate to such a degree that all the differences humanity once thought were impossible to bridge will no longer seem significant.
One day, ALL will come to deeply realize that:
The sun is not an enemy of the Moon (and vice versa).
Heat is not an enemy of Cold.
Fire is not an enemy of Water.
Science & Spirituality are not enemies of Religion.
Eastern Medicine is not an enemy of Western Medicine.
Energy Healing is not an enemy of Modern Medicine.
The karmic connections in your life are not your enemies.
Any illness, disability, shortcomings, pains or sufferings that you may have right now, are not your enemies.
Tough life lessons are not your enemies - they are not ''punishments'' sent by God/the Universe as retributions for all the wrongs you had done in life.
So many people out there believe (consciously or subconsciously) that karma is about punishment.
It is not.
Karma is all about LOVE & BALANCE.
That which is called ''karma'' is simply Source/God/Universal Energy or Intelligence, working for your higher good, to restore all imbalances that may be present within your mind, body & spirit, and within all aspects of your life.
These are imbalances or discordant energies that you had previously created yourself (either by thought, word or deed).
Once balance & harmony have been restored in your life, you come into alignment with the Divine Love & Light that you truly are within.
And when this happens, life becomes magical again.
Life becomes the GREAT GIFT it is always meant to be.
And so today, we invite all of you here to send a powerful energy of love and gratitude towards every person, event, situation, condition or circumstance (past & present), that you have considered to be your ''enemies''.
It is time for you to discover and learn how to use the most powerful ''weapon'' that you always have at your disposal.
The Power of your Heart.
The Power of Love.
Beloved ones, LOVE is not a weak force.
Those who have a big heart; those who "love more" are not weak, naive or gullible; they are the strongest.
Love is the most powerful energy that you can harness to transform not only your own life, but also all life on the planet you inhabit.
For instance, whenever the collective energy on Earth feels overwhelmingly chaotic, unsettling, or exhausting, set a strong intention to send a "Power Ball of Love & Light" into the Earth's core, and visualize it exploding with the force of a supernova.
Transmuting all discordant energies on Earth that day into Higher Light, stabilizing and anchoring the entire planet into an even higher vibrational timeline.
If most people here were to do this daily, with love as their purest intention, the Ascension of Earth and all its inhabitants into their fifth-dimensional selves would be greatly accelerated.
You are living in the "end times" dear ones— the end of the world as you currently know it.
An era spanning thousands of years, characterized by a lot of drama and discord, is now closing permanently.
A new era has now begun.
And in this era, ALL opposites will merge into ONE.
The once dominant energies of fear, separation, lack, and limitation that have long shaped humanity will now be entirely transformed into their higher vibrational counterparts, affecting all aspects of life, both individually and collectively.
And all you have to do now (and moving forward), is to ALWAYS choose LOVE.
For instance:
Will the video, book, or artwork you're about to create help expand love, peace, unity and oneness, or will it continue to reinforce 3D energies such as anger, hatred, fear, guilt, lack, limitation, division or separation?
Is the work/activity you do each day in perfect alignment with the Great Love that resides within you?
Are all your social media posts in alignment with the Love that you are within?
Were the words you said or wrote today towards ALL around you, based on the higher vibrational type of Love, or 3D love?
Did you (directly or indirectly) treat ALL around you today with the love, respect, consideration, patience and compassion that they deserve?
Your choices will either anchor you and your life in the New Earth timeline, or keep you stuck in the fading Old Earth timeline until the day you return to Source.
As always, the choice is yours.
What will you choose today?"
Channeled by Adele Arini.
All rights reserved - Raphael's Healing Space. Copyright 2018 to the Present.