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The Power of Clear Intentions ~ by the I AM Presence (20 February 2025).

Once you have reached the state of perfect clarity regarding what it is that you truly want, not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones, your communities and/or the entire Human Collective, you are then well on your way to becoming a powerful Creator.

Make clear your intentions, dear ones.

Envision the type of life that you want to create for yourself personally, and also, the type of planet Earth that you wish your children & their grandchildren to inherit.

And then, simply align all of your actions, creations, or energetic expressions with what you have envisioned for you/for ALL.

For example, if you genuinely desire for cruelty & violence (against any living being) to cease to exist on Earth, then simply stop doing anything that will allow these lower vibrations to thrive, perpetuate or sustain themselves.

You do this by not supporting anything that involves cruelty or violence.

You do this by only buying goods from/financially supporting, conscious businesses that operate with kindness, compassion, fairness or equality.

You do this by stopping the habit of reading books or watching action/thriller/war movies or TV dramas, that have a lot of cruelty or violence in them.

And the reverse is also true, if you are an author/movie producer, you do this by not writing books or making movies that continue to spread or perpetuate the energy of cruelty & violence in the world.

This is a simple matter of supply & demand, dear ones.

If/when the demand for cruelty & violence continues to exist, then there will always be those who seek to benefit/profit from this particular (individual & collective) energetic momentum.

"Energy flows where attention goes'' is a powerful famous quote from Tony Robbins.

And today, we'd like to add another sentence to complete that quote.

''Energy flows where intention goes.''

Intentions, intentions, intentions.

We cannot over-emphasize how important your intentions are, in creating your physical (individual & collective) reality.

It's time for ALL to deeply realize the far-reaching aftereffects of every choice or decision that they make daily.

As always, remain anchored within the Sacred Heart - it will never fail to lead the way & keep you aligned with your own goals or intentions.


Channeled by Adele Arini.

All rights reserved - Raphael's Healing Space.

Copyright 2018 to the Present.



- Hours of Operation -

Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday:

9 AM to 2 PM, and 5 PM to 8 PM.


Sunday: 10 AM to 1 PM. 

Times are in AEDT (Aus. Eastern Daylight Time).

Sessions are available both on-site & online.


- Adele Arini -

Reiki Master Healer.

Pellowah Practitioner.

Access Bars Practitioner (BP).

Spiritual & Ascension Guide.

Light Language Practitioner & Teacher.

Soul Lineage/Akashic Records Guide.


ABN: 96 545 019 054

- Contact us -

Located 10-15 minutes' walk from Murrumbeena Train Station.

Melbourne VIC 3163 - Australia.


Click on 'Contact us' tab at the top of the page & fill in the form, if you wish to get in touch. 

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