Reverence For Life ~ by the I AM Presence (25/9/2024).

"Life is a great gift, for you and for ALL.
From the smallest lifeform on Earth to the biggest one, ALL is here for a higher purpose. And that purpose is LOVE.
To know love, to experience love, to create love/create with love, to be/embody love, to evolve or expand the love that you are into a more loving version of yourself, and to express that love towards ALL that you encounter - including yourself.
The majority of the Human Collective has (for a very long time) lost reverence for life.
Reverence for the life of all living beings.
Reverence for their own physical bodies, or for their lives.
Reverence for Mother Earth; for the HOME they live in.
You can see the evidence of this almost everywhere you go; it was and is expressed in so many different ways.
Divine Love decrees that ALL on Earth is SACRED.
ALL are EQUALLY loved & valued by God; by the Creator; by the Universe - with no exceptions.
A popular concept currently exists, especially within some spiritual circles, of the "CHOSEN ONES".
This 3D concept is age-old.
Only certain men/women (out of many born on Earth) are called the ''Sons/Daughters of God''.
Only 144,000 lightworkers will awaken humanity & save the world from destruction.
Only special people are "CHOSEN" by God from birth, for a special purpose/mission in life.
Only the elites; the prodigies; the wealthiest 1%; the highly educated/successful - within the business, education, retail, political, health, religious sectors (and all other sectors not mentioned), are special.
Only those born into the Royal Family; those who are the bluebloods in any group/society, deserve to be treated as special.
Dear ones, the time has now arrived for ALL to deeply recognize:
the sanctity of ALL life; the sanctity of your life on Earth.
ALL are CHOSEN by God (however, not ALL have heeded The Call).
ALL are SPECIAL & VALUED by God (no more, and definitely no less than another).
And if one were to treat oneself as more than, and another living being as less than, one will soon manifest a physical reality where balance will be restored - in some way, shape or form.
Time is speeding up, dear ones.
There is less time-lag now in 2024 (compared to past years) between these two events: cause & effect; stimulus & response.
And as the energy on Earth keeps rising to higher levels (with each passing day, month or year), the time-lag keeps getting shorter.
The time of the Great Balancing has now arrived.
ALL will become more conscious/aware of the consequences of their every thought, word, action, reaction or deed - a lot faster than ever before.

Blessed are those who have recognized/remembered themselves (and ALL around them) as the ''CHOSEN ONES".
These are people who have simply followed & heeded THE CALL of their own Sacred Heart - to fully embody the Divine Light within themselves.
Blessed are those who have chosen to align themselves; align every aspect of their lives, with the Divine Love within.
Blessed are those who have chosen to respect, honour and treat ALL on Earth, with the reverence that ALL deserve.
Blessed are those who have seen/recognized themselves within the eye of another living being, for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, will soon be theirs to enjoy & experience - wherever they go."
Channeled by Adele Arini.
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