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In God We Trust (Part 1) ~ by Paul The Venetian, the Maha Chohan (18/2/2022).

Channeler's message:

Hi everyone,

Today's message had been written in a conversational format. Together, we (Paul & I) will be going through the questions listed in the prologue.

If you have not read the prologue, I highly recommend that you read that one first, prior to reading this message.

Reading the prologue will give you the context/background information that you need - to better appreciate this conversation with Paul. You might want to consider having a copy of the prologue with you whilst reading this message.

Although a lot of the things that Paul & I will be discussing today are relevant for my own past situations, it is my hope that everything that was shared here today (i.e. the valuable life lessons that I had learnt along my Ascension path) may be useful for you, someway/someday.


Whenever Paul asked me a question, you might want to check with your heart, whether the question He was asking me, is relevant for you as well (i.e. whether He is in fact speaking specifically to you as well, in the NOW moment).

Whenever the questions are applicable for your own situations as well, that means He is asking those questions to you directly - through me: His channel/conduit.

Simply answer those questions to Him directly. Visualize, or imagine Him sitting/standing next to you.

For Paul - in this perfect NOW moment - is with you as well.

Let us begin!



Here we are at last Paul. I have been avoiding this conversation for many months.


Yes you have indeed, luv.

Do you know the reason why you had resisted having this conversation with me; with your Higher Self & Spirit team - all of whom are here with you today?


Because I just knew where this conversation would eventually lead me to, and at the time, I wasn't ready to go there.


And where did you think We were going to lead you to?


To a place where I'd have to learn to trust the people in my life again.

A place where I'd have to learn to trust humanity again - in general.

A place where I'd need to open up my heart & life to love again.


I see. Well, you had been running away from your Self for most of 2021.

Did you realize that sweetheart?


I thought by returning to my studies at university for awhile, I could automatically heal myself from all of that emotional pain. It had often been said before, that time heals everything; that as long as I changed most of my focus, to other activities/people, life would return to normal again.

And that was exactly my plan - to enjoy life as a student again; to have fun & make new friends; to expand my knowledge/skills.


Did it work?


During the busy periods when I was having fun with new friends; when there were a lot of classes to attend, or assignments to do, it worked amazingly well! Feeling really grateful for the wonderful new experiences that I'd gained last year as a student again.

University life was very healing in a way, and helped me to put a lot of things that had happened in the past, into a higher perspective. However, after my studies were finally completed, I had found myself going back to square one.


And where is square one?


The decision-making moment that I'd known for a long time would eventually come - I’d been putting it off. Now that a new path has opened up for me, I'd have to decide whether to move on with my life onto a different career path, or, to continue with this one.


And have you made up your mind now?


Yes. Otherwise we would not be having this conversation, would we? LOL:).


Why was it so hard for you to decide?


It wasn't hard to decide. Deep within me, I realize now that I'd always known what my decision would be.

The 'hard' part was coming into alignment with it.


And for the sake of people here who didn't know what your decision was, can you please tell them what have you chosen to do?


I'm choosing to stay and continue with this spiritual career path that I'd been on for the past six years.

It has not been an easy decision to make.

Of course I could have talked to my Higher Self, Spirit team, or Father/Mother God for career advice, but at the time, for all things to do with my personal life, my trust/faith level was quite shaky. Hence I was not able to fully trust that Spirit would be able to: remain unbiased, and give me valuable advice without having a conflict of interest on their end.

And so I'd discussed the matter with a few trusted people - those who could provide me with their unbiased opinion - one that was free from any: emotional attachment or vested interest, to R.H.S.

However, I kept going back to the same square one.

At some point, I realized that although these people had done their best to: give helpful advice, be supportive, or remain non-judgmental, however the fact remained that, they were not Adele.

They did not know me like I did. They did not understand my passion; they did not know who I was, nor what I came here to do. Some of them had never met me, nor were they interested in getting to know me, before giving their advice. Most of them had formed their opinions based only on the facts they could see.

So in essence, I was looking for career advice from people who did not know, nor deeply understand the subject of 'what made Adele tick'. It was really 'the blind leading the blind' kind of situation.

After coming to that realization, I decided to stop searching for an answer and simply allowed the answer to show itself to me. And oh boy, the truth had always been staring right at me, but because (in 2021) I thought I'd lost most of my love, passion or devotion for this work - I'd blinded myself to the truth. There was a part of me that had subconsciously refused to acknowledge 'the elephant in the room'.

Paul, you must have known/seen my struggle to search for the answer back then. Did you have a bit of a laugh with my Higher Self & Spirit team about how lost/confused I was?:)


We actually knew that you'd always known what the answer was, and so were simply patiently waiting for you to come into alignment with your Higher Path again.

And now, are you done feeling scared of your path; or more accurately, scared of what We (Spirit) might ask you to do in the future?

Are you done 'running away'?

Are you done caring so much about what people might think, feel or say about you/your work?

In other words, are you finally done living your life with the goal of:

pleasing the people around you, or, pleasing the world?


If you think that I'd done everything thus far, because my goal was to please the people/world around me, then you are mistaken Paul. Although I knew that you were just asking those questions, perhaps more for the benefit of everyone here - because you knew me better than that.

Why do you think I had wanted to run away from this path?

It was partly because all of you (Spirit) kept pushing me outside of my comfort zones.

Although that might have sounded like I was blaming Spirit, I simply meant it in a matter-of-fact way.

I know that everything that I'd done in this role (as a healer/channeler) had always been a collaboration with Spirit. And if at any time I had wanted to quit/walk away from completing any task that you had assigned - especially if it was one that I didn't like - I could refuse to do it, at anytime.

And now, after everything that had occurred between 2018 - 2021, I've decided that I am done with running away whenever things get challenging on this path.

I am committed to living as the most Authentic Self, which means that I am done running away from my Higher Self. Done running away from all of the potentially-difficult things that She'd ask/guide me to do one day (e.g. the most recent one was: writing/posting the prologue).

Deep down I'd realized that posting the prologue was perhaps similar to me stirring up 'a hornet's nest'.

As an empath, I‘d have to be ready for the energetic and/or physical repercussions that might show up in my physical reality - arising from the vibrational power of my written words.

I'd known that the prologue could potentially trigger discordant feelings within individuals who had read it, e.g. some people might have thought that I was criticizing them/their life choices/their professions.

And so, prior to posting it, I'd had to feel absolutely sure that the potential benefits that I'd been dreaming about for so long (i.e. a New Earth where: love, honesty, transparency, freedom, unity, compassion, trust & integrity, are a normal part of life) would make everything (that I'd had to do/create/experience in this Ascension journey) worth it.

Spirit has not shown me the energetic after-effects of this particular channeled message just yet, but I have a feeling that it'll be wonderful. I had trusted that the benefits would far outweigh the 'negative' after-effects that I might personally experience - in the beginning.

Some of the biggest spiritual lessons that Spirit had wanted me to master, in my years of service as an empath, channeler, or healer, are:

- to not be swayed by consensus,

- to not be influenced by mainstream opinions coming from 3D individuals in my life/world around me,

- to not be influenced by the opinions, teachings, channelings, or ideologies, coming from famous spiritual leaders that I had loved/trusted/admired (if/when their guidance happened to be in conflict with guidance coming from my own Divine Presence).

- to stand my ground, even if others couldn't see the value of, nor understand, what I was trying to do.

- to be okay even if people didn't agree with the things that I had said/done/written.

- to never surrender nor compromise my dreams/goals/visions/values because of fear.

- to trust the directions, guidance, or instructions coming from my Sacred Heart; my Higher Self implicitly.

Those people have their own paths to walk and they were never privy to the wisdom, intuition and guidance that constantly flows to me from my Higher Self.

The time has come for my complete surrender to the Divine I AM Presence.

The Angelic and Ascended Host have been walking by my side every step of the way, and they will continue to do so in the future, and so there's nothing to fear.

Moreover, after the recent 'emotional maelstrom', I have now come to a much deeper realization, about the true meaning of this statement: LOVE is who & what we are.

And whenever we had (subconsciously/deliberately) closed off our hearts in reaction to: deep pain, fears, doubts or distrust, we were in fact denying, or, rejecting ourselves.

We were cutting off our own connection to the Love/Light; the God/Source within ourselves, and denying ourselves a wonderful/brighter future. The perfect idiom to use here will be: cutting off our nose to spite our face. It will not lead to a happy ending for ourselves.

And so, Paul, in regards to caring: about what people might think of me/my work; about pleasing others - let's just say that part of my life is over. That was the old version of Adele.

That Adele has now 'died', after living a life where she had exhausted herself most of the time - by constantly trying to get the people/world around her to: approve, like, love, accept, or, understand/see her for who she really was.

In that unhealthy cycle, she had inadvertently put herself into a lengthy 'sacrificing/suffering' phase, where she believed that in order to please: God/Higher Self/the people/world around her, she'd have to sacrifice many things in her life, for the higher good of ALL.

After all, this is what some people/the world had oftentimes conditioned/wanted us to believe - that it was selfish to want more; selfish to put our own needs first, before someone else's; selfish to love ourselves as much as we had loved others; selfish to charge people money for doing spiritual/healing work; selfish to want balanced relationships with equal give and take.

This faulty programming within the old version of Adele, had created a huge imbalance. One that had adversely affected many things in her life (e.g. health/relationships).

An imbalance that could have been easily avoided, if she had (first and foremost) loved/understood herself more; if she had thought that she was enough; if she had believed that there was never a need to prove herself to anyone; if she had known that she deserved to be loved and accepted (just as she was, or, a lot more than what she'd conditioned herself to receive).

The Divine I AM Presence; the Higher Self, has now become the only authority in my life - the One whose words I trust without a doubt; whose opinions matter deeply to me.

I AM taking back my Divine power & self-sovereignty!


This is really excellent progress! We are so happy for you.

After so many years, you are finally ready to: deeply love yourself (as much as you had deeply loved the people/world around you), stand your ground, and, become a lot stronger than you had ever been before.

And so, even though the answer is quite obvious, did 'running away' solve anything?

For example, did it give you comfort or, any other benefits worth mentioning?


It did not solve anything.

No matter how far/fast I ran; no matter how busy I was; no matter how much I'd tried to distract myself from my true calling, there were many times in the past, when I'd had to come Home - to my Self.

Lying to myself about which path to choose, or, more accurately, running away from whatever it is that my Higher Self has been planning for me to do in the future, was so... exhausting.

It had definitely taken its toll on my physical, emotional, mental bodies.

I would not recommend anyone here to do it, nor wished it on anyone! LOL:).

However, now that you'd asked me about the benefits, I realize that the time away had indeed given me plenty of opportunities to think.

I needed to take stock of my life; to evaluate/reflect on everything that had occurred, in order to decide on: where to go/what to do next, and, who I want to be.



We really wanted you to stop berating yourself for 'running away'.

From Our higher perspective (one that is always based on Love & Compassion), back then you were simply:

- doing your best to cope/deal with everything that had occurred in your life & in the world,

- integrating all of the invaluable life lessons received, and,

- alchemizing the hurt/pain, into Great Wisdom & Love for yourself & for ALL.

Remember that all of you here, were born with a very special mission.

You are the Chosen Ones.

You had been chosen, out of a great number of volunteers, because of your:

inner strength, courage, perseverance, and, the purity of your Light/Love.

Chosen for what - you might ask.

Chosen to be the face, or, the voice of: Love, Peace, Compassion, Freedom, Abundance & Well-being.

Chosen to be a unifying influence that this planet badly needs right now, and in the near future.

Many of you here, are energy balancers by nature.

Your presence; your Light on Earth right now, naturally counterbalances all of the discordant energies within the Collective.

Every day (with/without your conscious awareness) all of you here are a powerful, stabilizing influence for the entire planet Earth, so that everything that needs to happen, can happen synchronistically.

So that each step; each phase of this Ascension journey for yourself; for the entire collective, and for Gaia, can unfold perfectly - according to the Divine Plan.

You are all working together, to bring about a harmonious, peaceful & free planet Earth, where ALL will one day stand united in LOVE.

We are helping you to achieve this grand objective, never by using fear, power/control, deceitful, manipulative, intimidating, or violent tactics. These tactics had never worked.

Furthermore, it's time for some people here to deeply understand that, We would never ask Our lightworkers to: suffer, or, make great sacrifices (e.g. too much of your time, your health, your happiness, or overall well-being) at the 'altar of service'.

This has never been Our way.

The following belief:

'When you are in the service of God, Spirit, Humanity, Mother Earth, you must (be ready to) abandon, sacrifice, or leave behind many aspects of yourself, e.g. all earthly desires (wealth, fame or success), your time with family/friends, your hobbies, your health, etc. - because after all, one cannot have everything.'

is in fact a 3D programming that originated from a lack/scarcity/fear/separation consciousness.

The root problem of this 3D programming came from:

the false belief that God's love for you is conditional (i.e. as conditional as the love, acceptance, respect, or understanding, that you might have received from/given to, the people or world around you).

Throughout the fabric of time, many people on Earth had developed numerous false beliefs about God:

'God needed to be worshipped and glorified.'

'God needed to be appeased so that only good things would happen in your lives.'

'God wanted you to live a cloistered life, or, to take vows of poverty (vows that deprived you of well-being; of a wonderful, happy & balanced life that you could have had on Earth) in order to love/serve God’s other children (i.e. people who were 'obviously' a lot more special than you - in God's heart- because otherwise God wouldn't have asked you to 'sacrifice' yourself/your life, to serve those people) who were perhaps 'lost', ‘sinful’, or suffering.'

Even the notion; the belief that people were lost, sinful, or suffering was also heavily based on 3D illusions.

Those people were NEVER lost, NEVER sinful (in God's eyes/from Source's perspective), and, NEVER suffering. They might look, act, or behave like they were - whenever they had lost their alignment with the Higher Self - but that does not mean that they were TRULY lost/sinful/suffering.

These people's Higher Self has always known where they are/what and how they're doing - and so if that's the case, how can they be 'LOST'?

Their Higher Self had been patiently waiting for them to turn over a new leaf, and would never stop inspiring them to change - by sending people/events that would teach them the consequences of their actions. Judgmental individuals might call these people 'SINFUL', but the Higher Self always looked at everything from the perspectives of Love & Compassion. These people were simply young, or, immature, or perhaps (physically/emotionally/mentally) traumatized by the past.

Whenever you saw people suffering/having a hard time, do you think their: True Self/Inner Being/Higher Self, was genuinely suffering in that moment? Believe it or not that will be up to you, the Higher Self was enjoying their 'role' in the drama that was their life!

Not the kind of enjoyment in a non-sensitive/non-caring/non-compassionate manner such as: "We can see that you're not having fun. However we're totally enjoying watching all of you struggle, or, be in so much pain. Where's the popcorn?".

The enjoyment that We were referring to, pertains to the spiritual growth, expansion, and transformational powers those struggles/the pain would give you.

Most humans were so used to growth/change via pain and/or suffering. And so, that was oftentimes the circumstances that many of you here had created in your own lives.

Are you all finally ready to grow/expand/evolve with love; with compassion; with joy, peace, harmony, unity instead, loved ones?

Are you ready to evolve into the higher levels of 5th Dimension, using easier methods; using karma-free methods; using joyful, fun & loving methods?

Or, are you so addicted to pain, suffering, or other 3D dramas, so much so, that the higher dimensional ways of spiritual evolution sounded: boring, dull or uninteresting to you?

Our purpose here today was not to criticize you, nor criticize religions.

Everything that you had said, done, or experienced in life, and, everything that all the religions on Earth had done, served an important purpose for the spiritual evolution of mankind, and all is well.

However, within this higher dimensional teaching series, Our purpose is to 'debunk' and shatter all 3D beliefs that are no longer serving humanity moving forward.

The people who had taught or spread these 3D beliefs about God, had forgotten who they truly were.

They had also forgotten just how powerful they were.

They had forgotten that they could become, or, have anything in life.

In their often-sincere desire to: create a better world, or, be of loving service to humanity, many had chosen to adopt the lack, suffering, or separation consciousness.

They failed to realize that they would've had more to offer the world; more to assist humanity or other living beings on Earth, if only they had served from an overflowing cup!

A cup that somehow/someway always seemed to 'magically' replenish itself, whenever it was near empty.

Think about this deeply, dear friends.

Let's say for example, you have a desire to help the poor and the sick, currently living in the slums of your city. You'd been feeling 'the call' to do this for awhile, but not sure of the best way to do it.

Do you think that by joining a religious order (e.g. one that would require you to take vows of poverty & celibacy) and by having a tough, rigid, and highly restrictive life, can lead to you, assisting the poor/the sick/the lost/the downtrodden, better?

Compare the above path with the following:

You had decided to focus on what you're good at, and were determined to be really successful at it. You then worked hard to build this business empire, until it became so profitable & could run by itself (without your constant supervision). And then you decided to volunteer a lot of your time for several different charities/causes that you loved/supported. You were intuitively guided to share a lot of the wealth and prosperity that you'd earned, with the people/world around you, in a sustainable (non-sacrificing) way that would give long-term benefits for both your business and the charity organizations that you supported.

Which path of service, out of the above two polar-opposite examples, is the Higher Dimensional Way?

Which path do you think, more reflected the Unconditional Love that God, your Higher Self, The Universe, or Spirit, always have for you all?

You cannot have an unhappy journey (e.g. on present-day Earth), and then expect to be happier 'later', once you have safely arrived at a much better place (e.g. 'future' New Earth)!

(Please note that the above statement was based on the assumption that one was feeling: unhappy, restricted, or limited, after making such life choices. There are many people who had chosen to live that way - a life that was seemingly: tough, rigid, or highly restrictive - who had felt content, happy, at peace, and really connected to the God/Source within. These individuals had greatly contributed to the Peace, Love or Harmony, on planet Earth. And so, to these individuals, theirs were/are not an unhappy journey).

This is really backwards and it completely defies all logic!

An unhappy journey will only lead you to destinations/situations that will make you feel even more unhappy.

In other words, you cannot deprive yourself of Well-Being, and then work hard to provide that Well-Being for others, without creating an imbalance, or, without potentially harming yourself in the process!

Everything (e.g. every tradition, rituals, habits, deeds, procedures) that were/had been/are still based on: lack, restrictions, limitations, fear, separation or segregation, must eventually go (from within the individual, group, or collective consciousness of humanity) - for these outdated 3D energies would not last, or, cannot be sustained in the new, fifth-dimensional energies.

Whenever We (Spirit) were actively working with any lightworker, it had always been a collaboration, based on mutual love, respect, understanding, compassion, honesty and integrity.

We would never force anyone (Adele for example) to do anything that she didn't want/wasn't ready to do.

And so, just like We would always deal with obstacles, challenges, or resistance in a loving, patient, compassionate and positive manner, all of you here should also do the same (if your goal is to be a 5D human being and be a part of New Earth).

In other words, your ways of dealing with any challenges that appear in your life, must be in alignment, with the kind of New Earth that you've dreamt of living in.

For example, if you never want to see (physical, mental, verbal, or emotional) violence or cruelty be used towards any person/other living beings on New Earth, then from now on, make a resolute intention to never be violent, mean, cruel, or aggressive in your thoughts/words/deeds/habits - towards yourself/other living beings, especially whenever you are facing: problems or discordant situations in life.

The time has come for all of you here, to do everything, the 'softer' ways; the more compassionate and much loving ways for yourself & ALL around you.

Unity cannot be achieved by forcing, or, pushing yourselves, against everything that you had ever: disliked, hated, or disagreed with.

As members of our Ground Crew, all of you here must be able to: remain loving, especially during the times whenever you happened to be feeling tested, or, disconnected from the God-Self within.

No matter how much 'darkness' there had been/might be in the future (i.e. coming from within yourself and/or, the people/world around you), as the Chosen Ones, most of you here already cannot be tempted, nor corrupted.

You cannot be forced to turn away from the Pure Source Light/Love that is within yourself.

Nor can you easily abandon your Highest Path.

The Divine Plans that you had made for yourselves pre-birth, are deeply ingrained within you; within your cells, within your God-DNA. And once these Codes got activated, there is no turning back.

The Pure Source Light within, had been burning so brightly (maybe even too brightly sometimes, for the people around you) for you to ignore THE CALL.

The Call to: RISE INTO LOVE.

Every time you had tried to deviate from your Highest Path, the North Star inside of you would keep calling you back HOME, until you just couldn't ignore it anymore!

HOME to where the Light & Love of your Soul had never stopped to illuminate the Path of 'what you should do, or, where you should go' next, on this sacred journey.

*We had used the word 'should', only for those who are determined to stay in alignment with their Higher Path.

If there are people here who are not ready, nor willing to remain in alignment with their Higher Path, then as always, they can do whatever they wish. We will always honor each individual's free will, to choose for themselves what they wish to do in life.*

The 'tower-moments' that many of you here had lived through, were crucial purification periods, to help you to return to: Who You Really Are.

And in those moments when 'all hell seemed to have broken loose'; when no matter what you did; no matter how hard you tried, nothing seemed to be going in your favor - it's time for you to deeply realise that those moments were not there because We (God/Source/your Higher Self/members of your Spirit team) did not love, nor appreciate, the hard work and commitment that you had shown Us through the years.

Do you know/can you feel, just how much - all of you here - are loved?

Have you truly realized by now, the depths of Our love?


Of course I know Paul - I really do.

And I'm quite certain that many people here know it as well.

Even during the darkest of nights, I had always sensed your Collective Presence.

Sensing the never-ending love that you have for me. I knew that I was never alone.

Of course there were times when I'd tried so badly to shut all of your 'voices' out, by ignoring you.

But by now I have come to a realization, that no matter how hard I tried, all of you 'up there' (especially Sananda) were simply not the type to put up with my past attempts to withdraw: mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, from you.

You had stood by me, through it all. And for that, I am forever grateful!

And now that all is well, I can see clearly why everything had occurred the way they did.


We love you Adele. You are very precious to us.

All of you here, are so loved... beyond anything that you could even imagine right now.

We do not run away, ignore, 'abandon', or disappear from the lives of people that We love - especially not when they are lost, sad, or suffering.

Whenever We saw that you needed a bit of time/space away from Us, Adele, We had always given that to you. Just the perfect amount of time/space that you‘d thought you needed, to regain your equilibrium; your inner peace. However We would always make sure that you knew that We were always there for you.

Standing by your side - no matter what.


Thank you:).


Here comes the most important point that you all need to remember when times are hard.

All of you here - we'd held your hands whenever life became really challenging for you.

We had always been there - standing by your side (whether you'd realized it or not), oftentimes not saying a word. We were always ready to lend a hand whenever needed. We helped you in every possible way, until the day arrived when you finally felt ready to move on & see everything that had occurred, from a much higher perspective.

All right, I think we are ready now, to move on to the issues at hand: lack of trust/faith.

Back then Adele, what do you think was your biggest resistance to trust?

This is a question that I am asking all of you here as well - unless of course, if the score that you got (from your participation in the quiz) had made you realize that you'd attained a very high/perfect level of trust in: yourself/the people/world around you/God/Higher Self/the Universe.


I realize that most of my resistance came from thinking/feeling that nothing was ever going to change.

From 2019 to around November 2021, my trust/faith level had fluctuated a lot - several times it was sitting at 0%.

Whilst prior to 2019, my trust level had been quite high, maybe sitting at around the 90% mark.


In other words, you'd had quite a high level of trust before things started to 'turn south' in your life, and, before the pandemic.

However you must have realized by now, that the 10% gap between where you were (90%), and where you should have been (100%), actually represented the often-stubborn, 'shadow-aspects' of your consciousness that needed a deep healing; a complete transformation, or, a major 'reset'.

This gap, was the exact location where the Mighty & Divine Light of your Higher Self, was needed the most.

Can't you see it Adele?

The pandemic had given you (and a lot of people here as well) the perfect excuse for a break (from your 'normal' pre-pandemic activities), to:

- 'clean up' your vibrations,

- deeply love & integrate with, your shadow-aspects-of-self, and by so doing,

- raise you up into a much higher vibration of Love/Light overall, in your consciousness!

This is the equivalent of you, pressing the big 'RESET' button (figuratively-speaking).

Or, pressing the ''Control+Alt+Delete'' buttons on your computer, whenever it froze; or whenever a software/an application stopped working. As a computer user, whenever you use this shortcut, you are attempting to regain control, by rebooting your computer system.

Doesn't the above perfectly describe what a lot of people had been doing, especially in the last 2 or so years (individually and collectively)?

Many aspects of/connections in, your life that (at the time) had not been for your highest good; many people who had decided that they didn't want to ascend in this lifetime; or, many things on Earth that were not aligned with the Divine Plan, had either been: 'removed' out of your lives, transformed or transitioned, into their higher versions.

Everything had been happening at the perfect speed that you'd wanted/needed/planned, for yourself.

Think back to the exact moment, when/where it all began, Adele.

Was there ever a time when you'd declared to Us, that you wanted your Ascension process/spiritual growth, to be greatly accelerated?


Oh yes, I remember that moment very clearly.

I have a deep, loving connection with the Goddess Kali, and a few years back I remember asking Her (and my Higher Self) for assistance, to accelerate my Ascension journey. At the time, I was so longing to experience the complete Freedom of Self.

Back then I didn't really understand what I was actually asking for. Otherwise, I would have been more careful about what I asked! Because not long after the asking, a lot of things started to change in my life. Suddenly there were plenty of 'tower-moments' happening all at once. Creating major transformations that I'd initially thought, I was ready for.


By setting an intention to accelerate your spiritual growth, what you were in fact doing was:

- asking your Higher Self to take over; to eliminate everything in your life that wasn't working out for you.

- pressing the 'Reset' button, so that you can then return to 'factory-settings' and start again!

And of course, by 'factory settings' We meant: your natural, higher state-of-being.

A state-of-being where you can easily remain in alignment with your Higher Self, most (if not all) of the time.

In truth loved ones, you have always been your Inner Being; your Higher Self/God-Self; your Divine I AM Presence (whichever name/label that you prefer to use).

You have always been ONE with God/Source.

You have always been the Ascended Master that you have been 'seeking' to become once again (in this Ascension journey).

When you truly realize:

- that TIME is the great illusion;

- that whatever it is you are seeking for, has always been within you,

then you'll get what you want; you'll go to where you want; you'll become what you want --> FAST.

Simply devote some time (if you wish), to contemplate on all the things I just said.

Many things revealed here today are not 'new' information - We'd shared this wisdom many times before, through other messengers as well.

We thought the time has come for another timely reminder, that:

coming into perfect alignment with your Higher Self can be so.... EASY.

A lot of Higher Truths that We shared here today, are not that complicated at all, unless of course, if the people reading/listening to Our messages, were to decide to:

- offer resistance,

- deliberately misunderstand/try to find fault in Our words,

- make everything too complicated by always bringing up what had happened in their past as 'evidences' that the Process of Creation was simply not that easy. That Well-being/alignment with Higher Self could not be so easily accomplished (and thus, by the power of their beliefs, so be it).

- simply refuse to see the truth, out of fear or any other reasons.

F.E.A.R: "False Evidences Appearing Real", or, "Face Everything And Rise".

Which one of (out of the two) will you choose for yourself, loved ones?

Let's now return to what I was saying before:

You are never not your Higher Self.

At any given time, you are your Higher Self eternally - no exceptions.

When you take the time to deeply ponder upon the implication of this basic fact, you will arrive at the following realization:

for you to become the fullest expression of your Higher Self (one that is of Divine Perfection - free from all perceived human limitations), all that you have to do is, press the 'RESET' button!

Simply ALLOW your Higher Self to delete, or eliminate:

- every flawed premise;

- every faulty programming;

- every mental/verbal/physical/emotional habit that is no longer serving you;

- all opinions, standards, or belief systems that you had (consciously/subconsciously) adopted along the way, that had only created division, or separation in your life/in the world around you!

Remember loved ones, whenever you had separated yourself, from... yourselves (the people/other living beings/world around you, are all other aspects of YOU), you are cutting yourself off from the most important ingredient that you will need for a magical life: LOVE.

And so, if you happen to find yourself in this 'reset' phase, you can come out of it faster, by:

- Letting go of the past.

- Being prepared to face all of the discordant emotions (that you had been burying deep within) whenever they happen to 'resurface' and make their presence known to you.

Never feel as though you might 'drown' in the ocean of negative emotions (whenever you happen to be processing/healing your traumas or pain), for We are always by your side and will ensure that you are safe.

- Forgiving everyone of everything (not for their sakes, but for yours! So that you can regain your inner peace). Inner peace or Harmony is an important element of Creation (as explained in previous messages).

- Not running away from everything/everyone that your Higher Self had sent your way (these people were always there for an important purpose --> purpose that sometimes you couldn't see nor understand, when you were standing in the thick of this phase).

- Looking after your physical/mental/emotional aspects-of-self really well, for example: by focusing the majority of your time on yourself/your own journey.

Give yourself plenty of TLC and never feel guilty for not being able to help/be there for others, as much/as often as you had perhaps wanted to do.

- Believing that there will come a day when your life will be amazing again. Trust that life will become so magical; so different, after the reset phase is completed. This is just a temporary phase that you're in.

Never quit, nor lose hope that things (in your life, or, on planet Earth) would improve!

Have you ever wondered why the Law of Attraction seemed to work wonderfully for some people, but perhaps not so much for others?

It's because the consistency of the results that you can manifest (when using the Law of Attraction) will greatly depend on the attained level of Light (i.e. the purity of your vibrations), in your overall consciousness - in relation to what you wish to create/manifest.

This 'attained level of light' is your 'automatic pilot mode', on every subject/topic that affects you/your life right now.

For example:

Do you know the attained level of your Light, or, where your consciousness/vibrations can be found right now, in relation to the following topics: covid, money, relationships, love, intimacy, career, parenting, etc.?

A lot of people had created so much energetic momentum in the direction of what they did not want in life, so much so that sometimes, they forgot that they had the power to change directions at anytime!

A lot of people oftentimes decided to: give up so quickly, and/or, 'settle' for less than what you had originally wanted (what you truly deserved) - by thinking that it was difficult, or impossible to have.

In other words, many people had been too busy focusing on the past; on 'what has already appeared in their lives'; on 'what is'; or, on 'what keeps appearing' - rather than deliberately creating their desired future in this NOW moment.

Case study:

Once upon a time, an individual who'd had many scars on his heart (i.e. scars that had come from either: a single traumatic experience, or, the cumulative effect of many painful experiences in his relationships), had sometimes found it difficult to believe that pure, unconditional love existed, within the heart of every human being on earth.

Whenever an experiential belief this deep is not 'healed' nor completely eliminated from his consciousness, then in the future this belief will no doubt continue to affect many of his relationships, and the overall quality of his life on Earth.

For example, whenever he'd used the Law of Attraction to manifest the loving friendships, relationships, or connections that he had envisioned, once those relationships had successfully entered his life, there would be a high probability that he/they would one day go on their separate ways.

This was due to his automatic pilot mode, or, default belief system that stated: unconditional love (true love) did not exist in people - for he had learnt this the hardest way, from 'real' life experiences.


And this is why - for a lot of people here who are close to mastering their lives; mastering Self/Source Energy - the pandemic had been such a huge blessing!

It had given all of you the time and wonderful opportunity to: clear out all outdated beliefs, eliminate the default, unhealthy mental/emotional programming, that are no longer serving your highest good!

Well done to a lot of people here, for the 'hard work' that you had done in healing yourself/your life, by raising your overall vibrations - especially in the last 2 years.

And if all of these had so far resonated with you, then simply rest in the knowledge that you have now reached another milestone; another important marker in your Ascension journey.

Your life is about to become magical from now on!

Of course, there is no rule out there that says you have to believe me - for my role here is not to change anyone's mind, nor convince anyone of anything.

All of you here, are free to believe in whatever that you wish to believe.

This is part of your life journey as a powerful Creator of your own destiny.

That being said, let me give you an example.

Has anyone here begun to notice/feel any major, significant changes happening within your energy body, let's say.. in the past couple of months alone?


Yes, definitely!

For example, recently I have been inspired to adopt a fully raw vegan lifestyle, and am enjoying it immensely. And because of this change, I have been: feeling a lot healthier, sleeping a lot better & waking up more energized in the mornings. Many symptoms such as: brain fog, confusion, or feelings of uncertainty, indecisiveness about my life path are now gone.

I have come to an even deeper understanding about the movements/flows of Source Energy, both: during an energy session, or, just in general, as Creator of my own destiny.

And because of that, lately I have been creating many things in my life intuitively --> coming from a strong, inner knowing about what to do/what not to do, rather than from following other people's advice or instructions (unless if the impulse to read/watch something, strongly came from the Higher Self within).


You sounded so happy and excited! This is very good to hear.

It sure sounds like the challenging 'reset' phase that you'd had to go through, had benefited you in so many different ways.

And now, as the quality of your feelings improves; as you continue to feel better, happier & at peace; as you condition yourself to feel exactly like how your Higher Self always feels, then all aspects of your life will no doubt improve and blossom even more!

Don't just take my word for it, loved ones.

Simply observe the many good things that will soon show up in the lives of a lot of people here, for the rest of 2022.

We realize that things had been challenging on so many different levels, for a lot of Our lightworkers - there is no denying it. Different people had been facing different types of challenges in the last 2 years.

However, please remember that nothing (not even your past) can ever hold you back, or lower your vibrations, without your permission.

For example, with you Adele, you had never been afraid of covid.

In fact, no matter how much the people around you/the media/your governments tried to convince you of the severity of it, it all barely registered. No one could successfully convince you to feel afraid of covid.


So true.

As a healer, empath or intuitive I just knew that there was nothing to fear (for me personally).

For me, there was a strong sense that the whole covid thing felt so... 'contrived', if that's even the right word to use, to describe how I'd been feeling.

Through it all, I always felt the unshakable calm & peace that came from knowing that: all is well.


Of course it felt contrived to you.

Every soul currently living on Earth, had planned the whole thing together (as previously explained in a different message).

And so for you, the biggest challenges during this pandemic had been: a deep loss of trust; loss of freedom; loss of hope & faith in humanity.


Very true. If there is only one thing that I stand for, it is for Freedom.

The very moment those politicians made the vaccines mandatory for us here in Australia, they had lost all of my trust. They had lost all of their credibility with me.

I was still okay (not really happy, but not overly upset either) about the amount of lockdowns that Melbournians had had to endure in the past (with Melbourne being one of the most locked down cities in the world), but the vaccine mandate was too much. It was really my bottom line.

As a Divine, Sovereign Light Being, only I get to decide what goes into my physical body - the sacred vessel of my Soul.

The government should not have dictated/mandated the vaccine for everyone - that's just against the basic tenet of our human rights. They should have allowed us to choose for ourselves, what's best for us.

And the ironic thing was, I'd always had this feeling that the governments would have had more success in promoting the jabs, if only they hadn’t made them mandatory.


How much do you think that Our loving presence; Our characteristics; Our ways of interactions (with you & with the people that you had assisted), had affected you/your life in some way?


Huh.. that's quite an abrupt change of topic:).

I guess, all of you (Spirit) had changed me a lot.

There are too many things that I had learnt from our numerous conversations in the past 30+ years.

Your leadership qualities; the different ways that all of you had shown how much you loved me; the ways that you'd let me be myself (even whenever I didn't do the things you'd asked); the endless different ways that you'd managed to inspire me to do what you wanted; the ways you had consistently given wise & loving guidance for the people who had come into my life - everything about you (Spirit) was perfect.

The more I got to know you Paul, Sananda, Higher Self & other members of my Spirit team, the more I felt inspired to strive and become the best version of myself. Chatting with all of you so often daily, very naturally just created that determination within me.

However, on the flip side of our unconditionally-loving relationship is that, for many years, I'd felt like I didn't belong here on Earth. I just could not understand how people could do the things that they'd done. After my awakening, the often-discordant ways that people had behaved on Earth just felt so 'alien' to me.

For example, whenever I saw any injustice, I kept asking the perpetrators these types of questions in my head: "Why was your heart so tightly closed? How could you do such a thing? Could you not feel nor see the pain, the suffering of those animals? Could you not feel that when you did what you did to the other person/living being, you were actually doing it to yourself?"

Life on Earth (in so many different ways) had become a lot more challenging after my awakening.


Why was it challenging for you?


If I hadn't been this sensitive to Source Energy, perhaps then I would not have cared so much, about so many things on this planet that were perhaps irrelevant to me/to my life.


Do you know that everything that you just mentioned, are the very reasons why all of you are here, on this planet right now?


Of course I do.


You can easily say that now, but we had seen your numerous struggles.

You did not always see yourself the way that We saw you.

A lot of times (especially in 2021), many people here had forgotten just how powerful and amazing they truly are!

Some of you had focused too much on world events; on what certain people/governments had done, that 'made' you feel unhappy.

Let me now make the following statement very clearly for all of you here:

Nothing/no one ever had the power to make you unhappy - unless if you gave them that power, or, unless if you were using them as an excuse to not be happy. As an excuse to not let in the happiness, the love, or the well-being that all of you deserve to enjoy in life.

You had focused too much energy on the undesirable circumstances that had shown up in life, rather than taking the initiative to create and manifest more suitable situations, opportunities, or, relationships that were more to your liking!

And you Adele, oftentimes hung on to the past; hung on to people who had left your life long ago. People who did not, could not, or would not, stand by you, as you were going through a difficult time.

Remember dear ones (the following message is specifically meant for people here who had - in the past - felt either: betrayed, disappointed, rejected, abandoned, worthless, or broken-hearted for any reason), if those people could not see the amazing value of having someone like you (beautiful old souls that you are) in their lives, then simply let them go!

Let all of those people go with your love; with your blessings & gratitude, for everything that they had given you in the past. For all of the life lessons you'd learnt from your past connections with them.

We would talk more later on, about why they/you had felt the need to 'move on', but for now, just remain aware, that it was simply due to: the differences in your vibrations!

Unless of course, if all of you have instead decided to take back your power; connect with your Divine I AM, and find out how you can somehow: improve, strengthen, or mend those broken relationships.

These previously 'broken' relationships do not have to remain the same type (e.g. ex-lovers can become good friends, ex-friends to friendly acquaintances, etc.) because it is time for many people to learn how to accept and respect each other's opinions/decisions/differences without judgment, or, without 'slamming the doors' of your connection completely shut!

Like I had stated in my last message, there is no need for anyone here, to: close up/protect your heart, withdraw, run away, or 'burn your bridges', ever again.

The only exception is: if moving on with your lives (in a different/new direction) is all about you following inspired guidance coming from within. In this instance, you are not running away; you are not withdrawing - you are simply moving on after having done your best.

Our point here is that:

ALL of you here, by this phase of your Ascension journey, need to have a powerful, life-changing realization about how truly unique, amazing and powerful you really are!

We did not mean that in an egotistical manner of course, but more in a 'I know my true worth/value now & I refuse to settle for anything less than what I deserve' manner.

This is all about taking back your Divine Power to create your life; to create New Earth - in the ways that you had often envisioned them to be!

It's also time, for all of you here to, very deeply love yourself - as deeply as Our love for you.

It's time for all of you here, to deeply recognize the amazing gifts that your Light/Love had brought to this world.

All of you here (whether you are currently dedicating a portion of your life to play the role of a spiritual/Ascension guide, or, whether you are working in any mainstream profession), are leaders in the Ascension Movement!

Your dedication, devotion and commitment to LOVE and to your own Ascension journey, automatically qualifies you to be called a leader of this movement.

Without all of your Collective Presence here on Earth right now, this Ascension project could not have come this far!

The Ascension of Earth & all of Her inhabitants, have always been a massive group project, requiring the willing collaboration of ALL Our light-workers currently on Earth.

It is time for ALL of you, to abandon, let go, or, completely eliminate ALL false beliefs that you may still have about yourselves!

Deeply realize that you are exactly what planet Earth needs right now - for a successful transition to the higher-vibrational aspect of itself.

Let's take our beloved Adele as an example.

We had lost count on just how generous/giving she really was. We often told her to balance her time, energies or resources better, but We knew that sometimes she just could not help herself. She loved her job a lot. She is also the type of person who could not even walk past a bee (that was lying on the ground in pain from having injured one of its wings), without first: making sure it was safe/checking if there was anything she could do to save it.

Back in 2018, she was really devastated when she saw that the fairies (living in the forest where she'd gone on a walk) had lost their giant mushrooms homes. Those wild mushrooms were deliberately destroyed (vandalized) for no reason, by people who did not realize nor care, about what they were doing to the environment, or to the world around them.

There had been many instances in the past, when Adele had struggled between her deep love for humans, for Gaia, and for her animal/plant friends - oftentimes feeling unsure as to which side(s) to take - for she loved them all. She loved the way God loved, and deeply cared about everyone/everything, oftentimes to her own detriment.

Living on 3D Earth where her words, kindness, love or generosity were oftentimes: misunderstood, viewed with suspicions, taken advantage of, or, attracting undeserved criticisms, had not been easy.

Learning to create a greater balance in her life, was one of the most important life lessons that she'd had to learn in the past 2-3 years. There is no such thing as 'superficial' relationships in her life, because everyone she met (even strangers), she’d loved them all.

After all, that is what being an empath is like. Some empaths might need a lot of time, to learn how to create and maintain strong/healthy 'boundaries' (We are using the word 'boundaries' very loosely here) around their wide open hearts.

Boundaries that could give her a certain degree of detachment from: people/animals/anything else - to prevent her from feeling engulfed in the pain/suffering coming from what life ‘had caused’ these living beings to experience. Healthy ‘boundaries‘ that would not, be locking her in, at the same time.

And so, We really wanted Adele to have that long break in 2021 - she had needed it, to master her sensitivity to Source Energy; the Energy of ALL-That-Is.

She had also needed it, for her to learn how to love and value herself more than ever before.

She needed to know that she was enough.

She needed to deeply understand, that she never had to earn Our love; never had to prove anything to Us/anyone else, ever!

She never needed to bend over backwards/over-give all of the time, to:

- be worthy of unconditional love,

- be worthy of all the gifts; all of the abundant blessings that God/the Universe/Spirit has given and will continue to give her,

- be understood, accepted, liked, loved, appreciated, approved, or respected for who she was within.

She was/is the personification of the energy of Divine Mother/Feminine. However, in the recent reset phase, she knew that she badly needed to strengthen the Divine Masculine aspect of her personality, so that it can come into greater balance with her previously-stronger Divine Feminine aspect.

Remember loved ones, that whenever your Divine Masculine & Feminine energies are not in perfect harmonious balance, this can then result in the manifestation of the ‘shadow-sides’ of these two energies, within your personalities/consciousness.

Ascension/Self-Mastery Light Language series. Theme: Sacred Union of Divine Masculine & Feminine.

And if all of you here had thought that We had been speaking solely to, or, only about Adele here, then you are quite mistaken.

Simply replace the above-used word 'she' with the word 'you', and know that We are speaking directly to a lot of people here as well! Many things that We just explained above, were relevant for them too.

All of you here are gifted in so many different, unique ways, and some of you are still in the process of mastering your (spiritual) gifts.

And so, here comes something that We really want you to deeply absorb: into every cell of your physical body, and, into your mental & emotional bodies as well.

Before giving/receiving unconditional love, to/from the people or world around you, you must first start by: loving YOURSELF unconditionally.

You simply cannot give the people/world around you, that which you are not giving yourself.

If you kept giving yourself conditional love, then chances are, this has been the pattern; the dynamics of your relationships with others as well - you giving conditional love to the people/world around you.

And whenever this happens, you will continue to look for LOVE in all the wrong people/places!

Our point here is that, most of the people here reading these words, are the angels that We had sent to Earth!

Angels are (by definition) Pure Source Energy-Beings. Cosmic Beings full of Light and Love.

They are the Source of that Love and Light for themselves, and, for ALL around them.

Are you able to visualize an angel who goes around seeking for love, approval, acceptance, etc. from the people/world around him/her? Of course not!

Think of Archangels Michael or Raphael. Call out to them, or, simply set an intention to feel the Mighty Power of Divine Love that they naturally radiate.

No discordant energies can withstand their Light, nor remain in their Presence, for their Presence automatically transmutes these energies into Higher Light.

Do you think that you, Our Earth Angels, are that much different from Michael or Raphael?

You might look like ordinary human beings, but what resides within you has NEVER been ordinary!

It is way past time, for all of you here, to believe in the Power of your Light!

What would it take, for all of you here, to genuinely believe that wherever you happen to be, darkness simply cannot co-exist with you? Visualize someone flipping the light switch on, in a dark room. And as soon as the light is on, all darkness naturally disappears.

And in terms of planetary ascension, now that Great Light is here and Love has won, it simply takes time, before you can see plenty of evidences that you are in the middle of creating 'Heaven on Earth'.

Too many people have been awakened now throughout the planet Earth - and the combined Light coming from ALL of you, will never fail to illuminate everything that must be eliminated, or, transformed from within the Individual & Collective Consciousness.

Loved ones, you must never again look down on yourself! For example, by doubting your power; doubting your abilities to create/manifest positive changes in your life or in the world.

We had sent out 'The Call' for help, throughout the physical universe, and all of you had answered.

All of you had come to Earth, in answer to the prayers that We had received.

Prayers for: Peace, Freedom, Love & Abundance to reign on this planet once again.

You had all come here to: teach, lead, illuminate, and, show the world (oftentimes by using your own life as an example) how to return to, or become, Pure Love again.

And, how to express that Pure Love to ALL around them, i.e. how to live authentically as their Higher Self.

This is really NOT the time to give up.

Not when We have won 'the game', and New Earth is NOW here.

We realize that many of you here had had a tough time during this period of: awakening, purification of all 'shadow-aspects' of your personalities, and, full integration with the Higher Self.

You'd had to also learn how to integrate the Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine aspects of your personalities, so that you can come into balance and wholeness, within yourself.

All of these processes, take time!

These things had to be done in stages - they could not be too slow & nor too fast.

If it was done too soon before you were ready, many of you here would probably have gone into shock (physical, mental, or emotional shock).

Every single Ascension phase that you had lived through (e.g. from 2012 up to today), had been very meticulously planned and lovingly attended to, by your Higher Self and Spirit teams!

Every night when you slept, you had come to visit us in other realms, to learn, prepare & heal aspects of yourselves/your lives that needed to be transformed or purified!

There is always GREAT LOVE for you here.

Never doubt that, dear Ones.


After everything that you'd said Paul, I now feel quite silly for having wasted so much of my time/energies, holding on to the past.

However I am certain that it was not all for nothing. Maybe I had needed to go through all of those experiences, so that I could become a more compassionate, loving, and patient healer.

I know my true worth now, and, have learnt to love/respect/honor myself deeply - more than I had allowed myself to do before (pre-covid).

And now I am simply left with a feeling of gratitude, for everything that had occurred.


This is really wonderful to hear!

Everything is never a coincidence; things had happened by design, always for your higher good.

Remember that every single one of Our lightworkers, had come fully equipped with a Divine Blueprint that was unique just for you. For example, the majority of people were born, or had chosen to come here, with what you would perhaps label as your 'achilles heel'.

This 'achilles heel' represents the major 'themes/lessons' that you had all needed to learn, master or overcome, in order to:

- help you reach your highest potential in this very important Ascension lifetime,

- help you play the role(s) that you had come here to play, and,

- prepare you to become the Ascended Masters that many of you here: are destined to be (or, have always been, depending on your perspective) .

Let's look at it this way.

Say for example, there is a young woman who has decided to go down the path of becoming a doctor. She has recently enrolled at a local university, to study medicine. Right from the very beginning, she had known that the long...long path that lay ahead would be full of nothing but a lot of hard work and challenges.

She knew that there might be times during the 6+ years of study, when she would be feeling tempted to quit and choose an easier path/route in life.

Every single assignment she'd had to complete; every examination she'd had to pass; every expensive tuition fees/medical textbooks bill that she'd had to pay; all of the spare times that she'd had to 'sacrifice' to study (e.g. instead of having fun with friends), and, all other unexpected challenges that she'd had to face - these things were all significant events that had continuously tested her resolve to become a doctor. These were all milestones that she'd had to pass, in order to manifest a physical reality where she could finally declare herself to be a Doctor of Medicine (MD).

Your Ascension journey into Divine Love; into fully becoming the personification of the God-Self within, is as challenging as the path described above!

And perhaps, in so many different ways, it can be considered to be more difficult than that woman's journey to become a doctor. For her to complete a medical degree, it would take approximately 6 years.

However, for all of you here to: purify your consciousness & entire energy body, as well as, master the God Qualities of all Seven Sacred Rays/Flames - all of these may take a lot of time to accomplish (depending on your own level of: commitment, courage, strength and devotion)!

A lot of people had assumed that their individual Ascension journey had started in 2012 - this is actually inaccurate. The souls who are planning to ascend in this lifetime, their sacred journey had started from the day they were born. And then from 2012 onwards, the process had simply been accelerated.

We had told you many times before, in previous messages prior to this one, that Ascension is not for the faint-hearted!

One cannot successfully ascend to 5D, simply by wishing it!

Think of it this way - can that young woman graduate from medical school & start practicing her medical skills, without first going through the seemingly-endless (i.e. this might be how she was feeling, when she was in the thick of it) trials & tribulations of university life? Of course not!

Every day, this woman would need to remind herself of just how important her goal was to her. Occasionally, she might need a reminder on the reason(s) why she’d chosen that path in the first place.

And, she would have needed to make a powerful determination to: never quit.


I understand Paul, we all do.

You know me well enough to realize that I had actually never given up. I simply needed a very long break:).

And whenever push came to shove, I had always pulled through and remained faithful to the Divine Plan for Earth & for all of us here. After all, that is what being a chela is all about, isn't it?


Very good! We are all really happy to hear this, sweetheart!

All righty, let‘s start discussing all of the wonderful 17+ questions in the quiz, that you had been inspired to create for your readers - in the prologue.

We would love for all of you, to answer these questions, and write down your score for each question.

Of course, only do so if you can genuinely see the value/benefits of your participation in this self-evaluation exercise.

Are you ready? If so, let's begin!

Q1) How much do you trust the people in your life right now?

And what is your score for this question Adele?


Right at this very moment as I am typing these words, my score is: '9.9'.


And why not simply say a '10' for your score? Why are you holding back?


Well..., for me to give a perfect score of '10' for this question, requires every human being on planet Earth to have already become 'a saint'.


Do you realize what you’d just revealed by that answer?


Yes, I think so..

I realize now that I had subconsciously created a 3D programming within myself that stated: everyone around me first needed to have already become saints/Ascended Masters, before they can get my full trust, or, before I can give them my full trust.

I have also come to the realization that: the level of trust that I'd felt for the people/world around me (at any given time), would highly depend on whether or not I was in alignment with my Higher Self.

Whenever I was not in alignment with Higher Self, that's when my trust level (for the people/world around me) would start to fluctuate up or down - depending on what was happening at the time.

Oh wow, this shows me that the trust that I had felt for, or, given to, the people/the world around me was not entirely because of them. In fact, only a small part was because of them.

The majority of my trust for them came from the knowing that All is Well. It came from knowing that I am surrounded by Higher Self & Spirit team who are my biggest supporters in life.

And so, in summary, the people in my life/in the world around me, were simply the beneficiaries of the trust that I have for my Divine I AM Presence.

However, even with feeling quite aligned right now with my Higher Self, I still cannot bring myself to give you a perfect score.

I'd had to leave a small 'margin of error', no matter how small a number it was.


Let's discuss this. What do you think this '0.10' margin of error represents, to you?


Hmm.. I think it represents the presence of something within me, that is always 'waiting for the other shoe to drop', or, 'bracing for a blow'.


Very good.

So what you are actually saying is: even after knowing/loving the people in your life for many years, there is a part of you (no matter how small that part is) that kept waiting/expecting, for people to disappoint, betray, or hurt you, someday/somehow/someway.


Well, I wouldn't have put it quite that bluntly myself LOL:) - but of course you are correct.

This way, if/when something like that were to occur, then it won't come as a total shock.

I had created a self-fulfilling prophecy for myself, haven't I?

And now that I've realized where/how it all went 'wrong', in the future I'd know what to do - to manifest a happier reality; happier relationships for myself.


You had done nothing 'wrong', Adele.

All of you here should really be mindful of every single word that you use to express yourself from now on - for the words chosen will create your reality. The energies on planet Earth are changing, and as a result, thoughts are now turning into things (shaping your reality) at a much faster rate in 2022.

So to summarize, somewhere deep within your consciousness Adele, there had been a 'flawed' programming (caused by past experiences) that stated: people cannot be fully trusted.

That one day, there is a small probability that a time might come, when the people in your life would greatly disappoint you, betray or hurt you in some way. And had the Universe given you life experiences that reflected this belief, for however long that you'd had it?


Yes, indeed.

I understand the Law of Attraction. I had read many books, and absorbed a lot of wisdom from experts in this field. But in the area that concerned matters of the heart, i.e. relationships with people closest to me, my manifestations needed some serious 'fine-tuning'.

I now have come to understand that, in the past, I'd done a big disservice to myself - by having this active belief; active vibration within my consciousness.

The Universe had simply been responding to that active belief within myself, by sending my way precisely what I had believed.


A lot of times people can become really blind to: what is within themselves, so don't feel bad, luv.

This is why this quiz (when used earnestly) can become quite a valuable, self-evaluation tool.

It's similar to the scenario: whenever you were driving, sometimes you could not see the car that was in the next lane - one that had been quietly cruising so very close to your car (in your blind spot).

Sometimes whenever you were too close to the problem, or, whenever you'd been having a persistent problem for a prolonged period of time, it could be difficult to see what the issue was, let alone realizing how simple the solution could be.

Simply eliminate this belief from your vibration - instead of pushing against it, or berating yourself.

Do not give this old belief of yours, any more of your energy, time or attention!

Replace that belief, with a much better one (one that is more in alignment with your happiness/well-being) so that you can attract and maintain only unconditionally-loving relationships from now on.


Wonderful, thanks Paul!

And now, let's talk about the 'Trust Game'.

I have come to a realization that every single relationship that we'd had with the people around us, is exactly as described in this trust exercise.

Between any two individuals/groups of individuals, we had all taken turns from playing the role of a 'blind-man' to playing the role of a 'guide'.

The roles that we play, will highly depend on:

- who our game partners are,

- the type of relationship that we have with our partners,

- our expertise, as well as theirs, and,

- how aligned we are (with our Higher Self) at any given moment, whilst playing this 'trust game'.

Let's use the following relationship between a middle-aged high school math teacher and his 17 years old student, as an example.

In everything related to math class, then this teacher is the 'guide' and his student is the 'blindman'.

The destination that these 2 individuals are walking towards will be: successful completion of high school-level mathematics, so that his student could pass the exams, and enter the college of his dreams.

However, if it's in relation to other aspects of life (e.g. having joy/having a healthy body, etc.), then this young student can, in turn, become his teacher's 'guide' in this trust game. The math teacher would then become the 'blind person'. This student would have a lot to offer/teach/show his math teacher, on how to enjoy life to the fullest; how to maintain a healthy & fit physical body, etc.

Obviously, they both would have to agree & commit to helping each other, by showing up, by being there, or, by influencing each other to the degree as described above.

The longevity of this particular relationship; the strength of their bond/connection, would highly depend on: whether or not both individuals were committed to the LOVE that they'd felt for one another.

It would also depend on whether or not they were consistently aligned with their Higher Self throughout the 'game'/the relationship.

So in other words, this 'trust game', or, their relationship, can continue indefinitely (e.g. after the student had long graduated from high school; after having kids of his own) as long as both parties continue to recognize the value of maintaining such a strong & loving bond of friendship with each other.

And of course, this 'trust game' can be used as a metaphor, for any relationships that we have in life, with the people around us (e.g. the relationships: between husbands & wives, between friends, between employers & employees, between businesses & their customers, between the governments & their citizens, etc.).

Moreover, I have just now realized that oftentimes (during the time when 'the game' was happening) we could not see (perhaps even refuse to see) the value that those people had brought into our lives.

For example, maybe the teacher (at first) didn't know that the young math student would come to mean so much in his life. And that a student would have taught him so much about many other aspects of life.

Oh, there is one last thing that I had learnt, which is perhaps the most important conclusion.

The people in our lives are actually not meant to be our forever 'guide' - because that's not their role. That’s not my role, in the lives of my loved ones.

They might have decided/agreed to temporarily play that role, but they are never under any 'obligation' to keep playing this role.

If/when they felt their time 'was up' and there were no more Soul-lessons/growth that could be had from their current situation(s), then nothing/no one could stop them from moving on.

For they've got their own things to do, to follow the calling of their Souls.

e.g. beloved spouses/children/pets/friends/parents who had passed away; children who had grown up & left their parents' house (creating 'empty nest syndrome'); soulmates who had chosen to end their relationships with us, etc.

The point here is that, there is only one 'person'; one Be-ing whose role is to be our forever 'guide' & eternal best friend.

And that is: our Higher Self. Our Divine I AM Presence.

Our Higher Self is there 24/7 - always ready to assist us; ready to give us loving, empowering advice on any topic that we wish to explore.

As long as we develop a deep, unshakable trust in our Divine Presence, no matter what the people in our lives had chosen to do; no matter the things that they had said in the past, nothing they said/did could adversely affect our Well-Being.

Unless of course, if we insisted on using these people (their past words/actions/decisions) as our reasons: for not moving on; for not creating a more fulfilling life for ourselves. (Just like what I had inadvertently been doing, for the past 3+ years.)

People need to be given the freedom to create, grow, explore, or expand, in whatever directions their Souls; their Higher Self is guiding them to do.

We must learn to free our loved ones (and by doing so, we are in fact freeing ourselves as well) from all expectations. All successful (long-term) relationships are based on Freedom.


Very good Adele. All correct.

You had thought about all of this very deeply, as well as, learnt from your past.

And now, I‘d like to bring your awareness into what you had written in the prologue.

You wrote the following sentence: "Please remember that to the blind person, you are their whole world."

I highly recommend for all of you to stop expressing this particular type of love declarations in the future, to your loved ones.

There are many other wiser words/phrases/ways, that you can use, to express your deep love for one another, that does not involve (energetically) chaining, burdening, or limiting yourselves and/or your loved ones in this potentially-unhealthy manner.

If there are people here who had (in the past) said these to your loved ones (e.g. spouse/significant other/children/parents/best friends): ''You are my whole world; you are my everything. You are mine & I am yours, now and forever. I cannot be without you in my life.'' - what do you think these statements actually revealed about you; about your consciousness?

And what will happen if ‘your whole world’, ‘your everything’, the spouse/children/friends who were supposed to be ‘yours’; people who were supposed to be your source of happiness/love/security - were to make decisions/take actions that are not to your liking?

Will you no longer have any reasons to live then? Will your entire world ‘crash and burn‘ in their absence?

If they decide to move on (in any form/way), will their departures from your life signify the end of your ‘Well Being’?

This is all about freeing yourself; freeing all of your relationships; freeing everyone around you from all energetic restrictions, limitations, or a modern-version of ‘bondage’ that came from these 3D beliefs:

1) you have ‘the right’ to own, or control the behaviour/decision of, another person/other living beings.

Freedom is the fundamental right of ALL living beings.

2) you need someone/something external to yourself to feel safe, secure, happy, loved or abundant. And that the Source of: the meaning/purpose of your life, or, all the love, joy, fulfilment, abundance and prosperity you have been wishing for/dreaming about - can only be found outside of yourself.


If someone were to make those disempowering statements to me, I would probably do my best to maintain my distance from this person, from that moment onwards. Those sentences made me feel quite uncomfortable.

I will not 'run away' from them, because earlier in this message I had practically made a public commitment to never do so again. However, I would at least let this person know (e.g. through my actions) that they can't depend on me for everything.

And then, I would probably assist them in realizing that they could indeed be happy/fulfilled, even if I wasn't around them as much as they'd originally wanted me to do.

To me, those sentences sounded too much like:

''I don't think I can be happy without you in my life. And so, I need you to always be there for me, to keep me happy. For I have decided that will be your role from now on, in my life.

I don't feel whole; I don't feel complete; I don't feel confident that I can be happy with my life, if you are not with me. I don't know if I've got what it takes to face the world; to face the challenges that life might bring in the future - if you are not by my side forever".


Bingo! You'd nailed it, Adele.

The ways that all of you here choose to start/begin/conduct yourselves in any types of relationship, would highly influence: how long these relationships will last, and, how deep (the level of intimacy), your friendships/relationships can go --> the quality & longevity of these relationships.

It will form the basis; the energetic foundation, or, the dynamics, of your relationship with another.

So it is my recommendation that before you begin any types of long-term (committed) relationship, you first need to create a strong, stable foundation between yourself & the other person(s) --> one that is strongly rooted in the energies of: Freedom, Self-reliance, Self-love & Self-trust.

Ascension/Self-Mastery Light Language series. Theme: Mastery of 1st Ray ~ Divine Will of God

And now, I would like to ask you, Adele, a rather personal question.

We ask for your willingness to share your answers with the people here. This was one of the questions listed in your quiz as well.

"Will you be willing to play the 'Trust Game' with people who had ‘broken‘ your heart in the past?

People who had ‘caused‘ you to lose a lot of the trust that you used to have for them/for the people or world around you. Or, would you rather play this game with strangers/new players instead?"


Hmm.. I failed to see how my personal answer can be for the higher good of everyone here.

By this phase of my Ascension journey I have realized that: honesty, transparency & open communication, are a big part of the fifth-dimensional style of 'leadership' that you have wanted me to develop/build from the very beginning of my spiritual career. It is a style that all New Earth leaders will one day adopt, once our society becomes more fifth-dimensional in nature.

However, don't you think that I deserve just a little bit of privacy, Paul?

Why do I have to be vulnerable and transparent, all of the time?

You (Spirit) had wanted me to learn to balance many aspects of my life (especially my career). So please explain why is it important for me to answer this question.

Thus far, I have decided to faithfully follow your guidance to share (maybe even over-share) many details about myself/my life here in this message, however, for this particular question, I don't understand why I should share my answers with everyone.


Remember the whole purpose of this message, love.

It is to help you and a lot of people here, to have a very high level of trust and faith - in themselves, in the people/world around them, and in God/Higher Self/Source/the Universe.

Can you demonstrate your trust for me; your faith in my words that when I say it is important, then, it is?


You are not making this easy on me. Is that all the explanation I am going to get?


I am not going to push you, nor force you to share your answer with the public. It will be up to you.


Okay then... I have decided.

Here comes my answers.

For me to enter into any type of medium to long-term commitments, whether it's a: friendship, work relationship, romantic relationship, or anything else, the following elements should be present within the individuals/groups/organizations:

- deep love for self; deep love for the people/animals/world around them; deep love for God/Higher Self/Mother Earth.

- dedication/commitment to their own spiritual growth/expansion, and, to our connection/relationship.

And I'm not talking about a 'ball & chain' type of commitment here. It's more about them not 'running away' or, shutting me down - if/when things get challenging. If I cannot be my true authentic self whenever around them, then 'the trust game' may only be temporary, or short & sweet, or, infrequent.

- strong commitment to: forging unity, oneness, peace and harmony in their own lives.

- Honesty, transparency, open communication, integrity and freedom.

These are very important values that I stand for, in life.

With empaths, our sensory input can sometimes become ‘overloaded’ from the world around us, and so, most of us prefer to be surrounded by highly intuitive individuals with: peaceful, kind, loving, honest vibes.

- Moreover, as a free, highly independent spirit, I naturally gravitated towards like-minded souls.

Whenever people became friends with me, they soon realized that they could not always depend on me for spiritual/life advice, because that's not my job (as their friend).

My sacred mission in life is to empower and reconnect people with their Higher Self; their Soul.

And so, in all of my personal relationships, I have learnt the importance of staying silent, or, not interfering (too much) with the life lessons that my loved ones might be facing.

Most of the times people (myself included) have to be given the room/space to: grow, make mistakes, and learn from/overcome those mistakes.

I know my answers were quite long, for your seemingly-simple questions Paul, but here comes my point:

If I could sense that the: strangers/new players, and/or, past connections, (entering my life in the future) are vibrationally as described above, then yes, I might be willing to commit into playing the 'Trust Game' with them.

Thus far I have been naturally attracting peaceful, loving, kind, considerate, spiritually mature people or relationships into my life anyways, so I'm still not sure why you'd wanted me to share the above information here, Paul.


Very good, thanks for sharing your answers, luv.

You will soon understand why it was important. Simply trust me (as I know you do) and have faith!

And now, let us move on to the next question in the quiz.

Q2) How much trust do you have for: your state and/or federal governments, or, the people who occupied high positions of leadership across a variety of different organizations?

And what is your answer for this question, Adele, at this point in time?


I'm just going to go with my gut instincts here Paul. It'll be a '7', at this point in time.

I tried to give myself a score of: 8, 9 or 10 for this question, but I just could not do it.

It felt as though I'd be lying to you/myself.


That's okay dear. It is what it is. Don't feel bad for not being able to give yourself a higher score.

What do you think you can do, to improve your score so that it can be a perfect 10?

In other words, what are the things that you can actually do right now, to improve your level of trust in your governments/leaders?

And please don't say, for me to teleport you, or give you access to a time machine - so that you can instantly move through time/space and arrive at a future 5D Earth that is 100 - 1000 years away from the year 2022!


Oh, wow. You know me so well! That‘s exactly what I was thinking.

Let's see. There is no way that we could control or change other people's behaviors or opinions.

The only things that I can control are my own: thoughts, words, and feelings - my vibrations.

And so, I will simply start thinking new thoughts. Thoughts that will reflect what I want New Earth to be like.

For example, thoughts like these ones:

"I trust that there was a Higher reason why our current leaders had been chosen to occupy these important roles, at the present moment."

”I trust that as the Collective Consciousness changes; as our vibrations continue to rise, the human race will naturally elect leaders who are dedicated to the Higher Good of ALL they serve."

The New Earth that I have been envisioning, is filled with leaders/politicians who are: highly-evolved.

These people will all be Spiritual Masters/Ascended Masters (i.e. enlightened individuals) who have a deep love for the Collectives that they are in charge of.

They will automatically operate from a 5D Consciousness of: Peace, Unity, Harmony, Freedom & Love, every single time, without fail.

They will understand and fully embody the principles of the LAW of ONE - in their ways of be-ing, in their personal lives, as well as, in their governance.

Just imagining such a beautiful world, filled with these amazing leaders, made me feel so... happy, content, safe, secure and at peace.

Knowing that we will (one day) have such trustworthy leaders; leaders with a lot of love and a high level of integrity, made me feel quite honored, happy and grateful, to be part of the Human Race.

Visualizing/daydreaming about having Ascended Masters, the likes of: Sananda, Buddha, Kwan Yin, St. Germain, as our political leaders - e.g. as our Prime Ministers, Presidents, or other highly influential leaders, made me feel so excited about what humanity can achieve in the future, with all of these highly evolved Souls at the helm!

All of these wonderful feelings lasted only until... the beautiful shining 'bubble' that represents my dream/fantasy bursts, and I returned to this NOW moment labelled as February 2022; back to our current reality.


That's excellent Adele! You already know what to do, instinctively, to create and manifest the New Earth that you desire.

All of you should realize that you are co-creating New Earth right now, as We speak.

By using the power of your thoughts, words, feelings and actions.

Keep using positive thoughts; keep doing your visualizations (We sometimes call it 'daydreaming') as often as possible. Be as detailed as possible (about how your New Earth will be like/will look like).

Don't entertain any doubts; don’t allow any negativity to enter your mind/heart space whenever you are in the middle of these visualizations.

If many of you here were to regularly 'daydream' the same thing often enough, what will eventually happen is: strong individuals who have a very big heart & deep love for humanity/for the collectives they belong to, will follow the Calling of their Souls, to: 'step up' and take on the 'burden' of leadership.

They might not be the Ascended Masters that you wanted (just yet), but they would be a lot closer (vibrationally speaking) to the kind of political leaders that you have been envisioning!

And then in time, as humanity reaches the middle to upper 5D level in vibrations (as a whole), humanity will no doubt experience the manifestation of this physical reality that you, Adele, had just described!

Do you see how easy this process works?

It's time for all of you to be more PROACTIVE.

Take the initiative today and start being really clear about what you want to see on New Earth.

Every day, take the time to daydream your New Earth into be-ing!

All right, time to move on to the next question.

What's your current trust level on this topic, Adele?

Q3) Do you completely trust the news that had been reported in mainstream media?


I don't watch/read the news that often - just had no desire/interest in it at all. I keep myself up to date, maybe on average once every 2 - 3 weeks (by skimming through the headlines).

Many years ago, I had asked my Higher Self to inform me, somehow/someway, whenever there were important updates/events/developments that might affect any aspect of my life. And that's what She's always done for me.

So, to answer your question, my score will be a perfect '10'.

Somehow, I had always attracted news reports that were truthful (I could just feel the energy of truth, coming out of every word/sentence/paragraph in the reports); news that I had always needed to know.

I am totally creating my reality here - by giving specific instructions to the Universe about what I wanted to see, in news reports from all the different channels.

These instructions then 'limited' the news reports that I came across, so that only factual, truthful, and/or important news that I needed to know (at the time), were the ones that came into my awareness.

This is very cool - I didn't even realize what I had been doing/creating all of these years, until this very moment as I was writing this!


Dearest Adele, you (everyone here) had been powerfully creating your life experiences every day - by launching your desires and expecting them to be fulfilled (with zero resistance; zero doubt).

And you didn't even realize what you had been doing.

If interested, some of you here might want to ask your Higher Self for more evidences (from your recent past) about just how powerful a Creator you are! To boost your confidence level, so that you can more easily believe in your amazing power!

Start having fun every day by creating a list of everything that you want to attract into your life that day, and then simply observe just how fast the Universe will deliver your requests from now on.

And for those of you here who had given yourself a score between: 0 - 9 on Q3, you might want to ask yourself the same questions that I had asked Adele earlier for Q2:

What do you think you can do, to improve your score so that it can be a perfect 10?

In other words, what are the things that you can actually do right now, to improve your level of trust in the news reported across mainstream media?

I think both Adele & I had given you all plenty of clues about the answers to these questions.

Let's move on to the next question.

Q4) And if we were to obey all the rules that people/business owners/companies/organizations/the governments had instructed us to do, do you believe that obeying them will be for the Higher Good of yourself, and, ALL involved?

What's your score and answer for this question, Adele?


For this particular question, I really don't like the word 'obey'.

As you (Spirit) are very well aware by now, I've got a very strong will of my own.

I'm a free spirit through and through.

I will not simply do what I was told to do, nor follow the majority, without questioning (e.g. like soldiers obeying the chain of command in the military).

Nor will I obey anyone (not even my Higher Self), if I ever disagree with what you (Spirit) were saying, or, with what you wanted me to do. Although this is happening only on rare occasions these days, and of course, I have noticed by now that you had always managed to change my mind in the end.

Must be because of love - you all got my heart wrapped around your ‘fingers’! LOL:).

So let's remove that word from the question, for me to be able to answer it:

''Do I believe that those rules/instructions were for the Higher Good of myself and all involved?"

I believe that whether we choose to follow, or, not follow their rules/orders/instructions, our decisions will always be for our higher good & the higher good of ALL.

Even if (at the time) we couldn't understand why things were happening the way they did, nor personally see the 'butterfly-effect' of the choices that we had made, trusting in the Divine made everything be all right in my life. And so, my score for this question: 10.

To give you all an example of what I meant, I'm going to share what happened to me last year.

Here in Melbourne it is mandatory to have 2 jabs (to be considered 'fully vaccinated'), and they're now trying to decide whether to change this to 3 jabs instead - for everyone, not just for the key/important workers.

Last year, to complete my studies at university, I'd had to be fully vaccinated.

And so for awhile, there was a big inner struggle between my desire to never get the jabs (because no one liked to be forced to do anything that was against one's will), and, the thought that I would be wasting all of my efforts in completing this course.

Both options: getting the jabs, or, not completing my studies, were (at the time) unacceptable to me.

In the end, I communed with my Higher Self, to find out the most suitable course of actions. I decided to get the jabs, not because I had surrendered my Free Will to the dictate of the Australian Government.

I got the jabs, because I chose to trust my Higher Self. There is a big difference between the two.

My Higher Self gave me the 'green light' by showing me that I would be fine, even after taking the jabs.

And so, I simply surrendered to Her Wisdom, and trusted that all would be okay.

The point of my story:

Following their instructions/mandates had indeed served my Higher Good - because it had helped me to attain a higher trust level in my Divine I AM Presence.

Trust, just like love, oftentimes needed to be demonstrated/expressed - so that our relationships (with ourselves; with the people around us; with God or Higher Self) will continue to strengthen or deepen, in time!


Very good!

And for anyone here who had a score of: 0 - 9, what do you think you can do right now, to raise the level of your trust and/or understanding, so that you can believe that everything was/is always happening, for the Higher Good of yourself & ALL around you?

Simply think back to your past.

Was there ever a time, when you finally understood that the life experiences that you'd had in the distant past - no matter how awful/bad/negative they might feel at the time - were in fact for your Higher Good and/or the Higher Good of the people involved?

e.g. losing a job that you really loved, only to get a much better job elsewhere. A new job that was much closer to home - one with nicer boss, better staff benefits, and a higher salary.

Or, being cheated on, 'dumped' or left behind by a spouse/significant other, only to find a much-better Mr/Ms. Right not long after.

Or, having to go through difficult 'Tower moments' in life, only to realize later on, that they were there to assist you in reaching your long-term goals!

And after reflecting on the past, are you now feeling more ready to trust that everything had been/is happening for the Higher Good of ALL involved - even if/when you cannot understand, nor see the full picture, just yet?

Make a decision whether to ‘obey’ or ‘disobey‘ those rules/instructions - always based on what your Sacred Heart is guiding you to do, and then never look back. Don't be swayed by the opinions coming from the majority of people/world around you.

And so, just like Adele, once you have decided on a course of action, remain in alignment with it by not expressing any thoughts/words/feelings that contradict your decision.

Trust that if you had received ‘the wrong signal’, or had misinterpreted your inner guidance, your Higher Self will make sure that you become fully aware of it as soon as possible.

Let's move on to the next question.

Q5) How much do you trust in the work of scientists who had created these vaccines?

What's your score and answer, Adele?


My score is a '10'.

The trust that I had, was not for the scientists/their work. Like I had explained earlier, I had placed my full trust in my Higher Self.

And so for me, those scientists were simply ‘other-aspects-of-my-Self’ whose roles (in this Ascension lifetime) had deeply influenced my return journey back to Pure Trust; Pure Love.

There was no way I could check all the names of the scientists involved in the process of making these vaccines. I could not easily obtain information on their qualifications/expertise. I did not know whether they normally did well in their job, as scientists. I also did not understand much about what needed to first happen, before those vaccines could get approval - to be used on humans.

There was much that I did not know, which means, I could not use logic, to decide the level of my trust. And whenever logic could not be used, we needed to use our intuition.

We simply needed to connect with our Divine Presence, and trust that whatever answers that we got (intuitively) would be the answer that we had been seeking for.

And once I had made the decision (to get the jabs), I simply remained in alignment with this decision - by not thinking negative thoughts that contradicted my decision. Thoughts that might cause me to worry, or, doubt my decisions.

So the next 3 questions listed under the main (highlighted) question, were irrelevant to me.

And as for the last question - I trust that Father/Mother God or members of the Spiritual Hierarchy (overseeing Earth’s Ascension Project) would have prevented the vaccines from being manufactured, or distributed, if these vaccines really had the power to stop or slow down our Ascension journey.


Very good Adele - I do not need to explain further here.

Let's move on to the next question. What's your score & answer, Adele?

Q6) How much did you trust in the: advice/information/quality of work, coming from a variety of different professionals who had entered your life in the recent past?


For this question, my answer & score perfectly matched the ones I had previously given, for Q3 (news reports from mainstream media). And thus, my score is '10' for this question.

Whenever I needed the assistance of other professionals, to help me with my work, or, to help me in other areas of my life, I simply went by intuition. And, I trust that my Higher Self would always lead me to the most suitable, helpful, and trustworthy people on planet Earth.

I would simply make a list of 2 - 5 individuals/groups/businesses whom I wanted to work with (based on their vibes, customer reviews, prior works, prices or location - so that the names on the list met my criteria), and then, I would simply go with my intuition, and chose whomever felt 'right' to me.

And if/when the first list of 2-5 names didn't feel right (e.g. after meeting these individuals in person), I would do another research to make a brand new list, or, wait until my Divine Presence brought ''the most suitable person/business/group'' to my attention.

Over the years, I had learnt that the more often I trusted my intuition, the more accurate my intuition became. Whenever we had spent a lot of time, almost every day, honing our skills at any craft and expanding our knowledge (e.g. playing the piano, baking cakes, driving a car, gardening, etc.), sooner or later, we just naturally became really good at it.

The same thing applies with our intuition.


And what about the last 2 questions Adele (in that same section) about the potential conflict of interest that those professionals might have to face whenever their Higher Good and yours, are not a perfect match?


Well, first of all, I would not be wasting my energies worrying about something that has not happened yet.

I have learnt by now, that worrying about something that hasn't happened, is an act of Creation as well.

Whenever we worry, we are focusing our energies to create/manifest/attract into our lives, undesirable circumstances that we had been worrying about.

And so, instead of worrying, I will simply focus on creating or manifesting desirable outcomes for myself.

Moreover, after having this conversation with you Paul, I finally realize that my trust in Higher Self/Spirit, is already quite high. And I am not saying that to brag - completing this quiz had helped me to become more aware of it.

The interesting thing to note is: in many instances, my deep trust in God/Higher Self, had (most of the time) led me to many wonderful places & amazing/trustworthy people throughout my life. Trusting the Divine had also helped me to manifest a lot of my past goals, wishes or dreams.

The process has become so automatic. So much so, that whenever things went 'wrong' in life, help was oftentimes not very far away, or, already on the way to get me back on track again!

For example:

One day, a friend & I went on a drive through a meandering path, in a beautiful forest. We hardly saw other cars, even though it was during late afternoon. And when I discovered I'd gone down the wrong way, I reversed my car - straight into muddy ground. The wheels got thoroughly stuck in the mud.

As we were wondering what to do (the night was approaching, we didn't want to stay stuck in the middle of a dark forest until morning), a truck belonging to a Roadside Assist company (that I just happened to be a member of), came closer to our car - less than 5 minutes after our car got stuck. The man stopped when he saw we were in trouble, then efficiently assisted in getting our car out of the mud, and he drove off not long after. To this day (more than 10 years later), I am still amazed by the whole incident.

Feeling so safe, secure and protected, with God/Higher Self/Spirit walking by my side!

Trusting in Divine providence would ensure a constant, infinite flow of divine blessings into our lives.

About 20 years ago when I was working for one of the big banks here in Australia, I had witnessed customers who were really unhappy with the services given by the bank. These people had lost a lot of money, after following investment advice coming from the bank's financial advisors. And those discordant experiences were unconsciously stored in my mind, as an implicit memory, after all these years.

I realize now that those memories of the past (memories of bad things that had occurred to others, and not to me) had created a vibration of distrust (within my consciousness) towards financial advisors in general. Back then, I must have picked up on and internalized the feelings of distress, anger, bitterness, or regret, that these people must have felt, after having their trust 'betrayed' by the bank's financial advisors.

This goes to show that everything (from the time when we were just a baby, to the present moment) that we had ever experienced, witnessed, or absorbed into our consciousness - directly/indirectly - all of these memories had been stored, somewhere deep within ourselves. Even very old memories that we hardly remembered, or thought about again.

Today, we are the sum of everything that we had done; everything that others had done for us/to us; everything that we had observed/witnessed happening in our lives/in the world around us.

Nonetheless, both experiences were 'engraved' into my consciousness, and had somewhat influenced the way I felt, about people/about life, in general.

The point here is that, our memories (even anything fictitious that we had perhaps picked up from playing games, watching movies/tv shows/the news) had made us who we are today.

They had been quite instrumental in shaping our current opinions/belief systems; establishing our programmed behaviors; or influencing our level of fear, trust and faith - on any topic/subject of discussion.

In other words, everything that we had vibrationally 'picked up' from our surroundings (from our very first incarnation on planet Earth), had somewhat influenced the level of trust/faith that we have: in God/Higher Self, in ourselves, and, in the people/world around us.


That's good Adele. You've realized something really important here.

Here comes the point that everyone should remember.

Whenever you find yourself in a position where you are unable to trust either yourself/someone else fully (e.g. when you happened to be feeling that towards a stranger that you'd just met during the day), if your goal is to have a very high level of trust overall, then all you have to do is: get to the root of the problem.

Later on that night simply make the time, to do a deep reflection on your meeting with this stranger.

Keep asking yourself/your Divine Presence, questions such as these:

- what was it about that man/woman that made me feel uneasy?

- what was it that made me feel unable to trust him/her?

- was he/she the 'problem', or, was it actually me?

- did his/her demeanor remind me of the people: in my life, or, who had left, whom I had labelled as 'not trustworthy'?

- was my inability to trust that man/woman, based on fictional movies/tv dramas/books?

Or, was it based on real life experiences (mine, or someone else's)?

Or, was it perhaps based on a past-life event that needs to be 'healed' or transmuted into Higher Light - and that was why my Higher Self had brought this stranger into my life today to permanently solve this issue once and for all?


Last year I'd met amazing lightworkers and together we managed to heal aspects-of-ourselves that were impacted by a past life event that we had shared. It was a highly-emotional but also a very liberating experience for myself. Feeling so grateful for our destined meeting!

And then, not long after that meeting, I found that I was able to open myself up to a specific aspect of life that, prior to meeting these friends, I had been subconsciously avoiding. Totally loving that 'aspect' now.


Thanks for sharing that Adele.

Several hours prior to that meeting, Adele suddenly felt quite ill, very tense and out of sorts.

And based on her past experiences whenever she was feeling this way prior to a scheduled meeting, she knew that it'd have been caused by: intense past life connections were about to make their appearances back into her life. She could have cancelled or postponed her meeting, but that day she decided to confront it instead.

And by doing so, vibrationally she felt so much 'lighter' once everything that occurred in that particular past life event, had been transmuted into Great Love!

Do you see how this all works everyone?

Everything (good/bad, or, positive/negative) that happens/had happened in your life, is/was always a Heaven-sent opportunity for everyone involved.

An opportunity for what - you might be asking.

An opportunity to: leave the past behind; start over; learn forgiveness; heal your heart/mind/body/spirit; expand your capacity to, and understanding of, love; be stronger; learn new things; establish new, healthier habits; receive more loving, suitable, and trustworthy connections in your life, etc. - this list is endless!

Even if you do not know your own score, or, the level of trust attained right now, your Higher Self does!

Your Higher Self has (all of this time) been constantly: helping you, or, giving you opportunities to attain a higher level of trust in yourself; in the people or world around you. It's ongoing 'project' that your Higher Self has been involved in, on your behalf!

The quiz that Adele had been guided to prepare for you all, had made your Higher Self's job a lot 'easier'.

How so? - Adele just asked.

The quiz had given people the opportunity to look deeply into the 'mirror' and see if there was anything that needed to be changed/transformed within their own consciousness.

It might have been an uncomfortable experience for some people, but We knew that many of you here could 'handle' it, with Grace, Love, Understanding, Kindness, and Compassion for yourself & for Our messenger, Adele.

By this phase of your Ascension journey, the people who were attracted to Our messages here, were mostly those who were not afraid of their own shadows.

Most of you here have now become so experienced with the often-lengthy process of: purging, clearing, healing, transmuting, your shadow-aspect-of-self, or the pain of the past.

So much so, oftentimes, you went through each purging phase, with 'lightning speed'.

For example, Adele had recently sat down with her Higher Self and ask for ALL issues - issues that she might not be consciously aware she'd had all of this time (lurking deep within) - to be revealed. It was a very long discussion but a fruitful one as well! Many hours later, she'd felt so much free-er, lighter, and brighter.

In other words, rather than waiting until her Higher Self had sent someone/people her way, to make her aware of something within her consciousness that needed releasing, Adele took the initiative to face and deal with some of the 'major' ones, all at once - in the space of just a few hours.

Thus greatly accelerating her own spiritual growth, so that she can reach that state of: being completely FREE (from everything that had limited, restricted, or slowed down her Ascension journey); being her most Authentic Self. Her freedom is everything to her, you see.

And now, We invite all of you to have a similar discussion with your Higher Self as well.

Dear friends, many of you here have become: The Shadow Master, perhaps without even realizing it!

A shadow master is someone who is perfectly capable of facing: his/her own, and, other people's discordant-aspects-of-self, and comes out from the whole experience, completely victorious!

By now, many of you here instinctively know/understand what you need to do next, to permanently eliminate/transmute these discordant energies from within your consciousness - with ease and grace.

Gaining very valuable experiences, so that one day, you can use these skills (and the Higher Wisdom gained), to help the people around you to do the same (since a lot of people here are healers, spiritual guides/teachers, way-showers, or leaders of the Ascension Movement).


All right, we are going to have to wrap up today's message right here.

This message has now become too lengthy for the website builder app to save. Error messages had been showing up - requesting Adele to divide this post into sections.

There will be a 'Part 2', and maybe even a 'Part 3', to the Trust/Faith message - we'll see how lengthy these messages will go. For We (Spirit) understand that Adele can be very thorough with her questions; often making sure that she is covering all the bases.

We (Spirit & Adele) are forever on your side,

Paul (the Maha Chohan).

All rights reserved - Raphael's Healing Space. Copyright from 2018 to the present.


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