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Celebrate Who You Are Today ~ by the I AM Presence (3 Oct 2024).

You are not here by accident.

You are here by design - the most complex, precise and grand design that you (in collaboration with the Universe) had created for yourself.

You had chosen everything that you are right now - nothing is ever a coincidence.

Many events & choices (individual & collective) had to first occur, for you (of today) to exist.

For example, if you are a woman who is currently studying at a university, for you to have the privilege to study there requires a great number of events where women had fought for their rights (in the not-too-distant-past).

It also requires the invention & widespread use of the internet, and for computer technology to advance to the level that it is today.

Next, think of the clothes you are wearing right now.

How many people do you think were involved in the design, production/manufacturing, distribution, and sale process - so that you could buy it then, and wear it now?

How much resources (time, water, energy or electricity, money, raw materials) do you think had been used to create these clothes?

And next, think about the meals that you had/will be/are having today.

How many people were involved, and how much resources were consumed?

Our objective today is to help you to deeply realize that LIFE IS A GREAT GIFT.

Life on Earth is a gift, and NEVER a right.

Your life is a gift for you, and, for ALL.

Everything that you did/didn't do, affects ALL.

Once you have come to a deep & profound realization that everything that you are; everything that you can touch, see, feel, taste, hear, smell, buy, use, give/receive, is a great gift and not a right - your life will shift in so many ways.

You stop taking anything/anyone for granted.

Your consciousness will begin to shift PERMANENTLY:

From Fear to Love.

From Separation to Unity.

From Lack to Infinite Abundance.

From Control to Flow.

From Entitlement to Gratitude.

From Limitation to Freedom.

From Discord to Harmony.

From Conflict to Peace.

And this major transformation of your consciousness can only occur through the Sacred Heart.

Today, we invite you to celebrate the person you were - all previous versions of yourself are deeply loved & treasured by God; by the Universe.

Celebrate the person that you are right now.

Celebrate the person that you are becoming in the future.

Celebrate the Divine Presence within you; your True Self; your God-Self.

By celebrating & giving thanks for ALL THAT YOU ARE, you are sending a powerful message to the Universe.

A message that says:

"I accept & love ALL THAT I AM - past, present and future."

From then on, distortions or illusions coming from the people/world around you will no longer have the power, to distract or move you away, from the higher vibrational Path of Light that you are being called to walk on - by the Sacred Heart.

It's time for ALL to remember who they truly are.


Channeled by Adele Arini.

All rights reserved - Raphael's Healing Space. Copyright 2018 - the Present.



- Hours of Operation -

Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday:

9 AM to 2 PM, and 5 PM to 8 PM.


Sunday: 10 AM to 1 PM. 

Times are in AEDT (Aus. Eastern Daylight Time).

Sessions are available both on-site & online.


- Adele Arini -

Reiki Master Healer.

Pellowah Practitioner.

Access Bars Practitioner (BP).

Spiritual & Ascension Guide.

Light Language Practitioner & Teacher.

Soul Lineage/Akashic Records Guide.


ABN: 96 545 019 054

- Contact us -

Located 10-15 minutes' walk from Murrumbeena Train Station.

Melbourne VIC 3163 - Australia.


Click on 'Contact us' tab at the top of the page & fill in the form, if you wish to get in touch. 

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