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Booking Policy

Full Disclaimer and Terms & Conditions
for our Services/Programs/Courses. 

(Video Access or VIP Access plan subscribers, please click on the 'Access Plans' tab above,
to read the full Terms & Conditions of your Plan)


By booking and paying for any service on Raphael's Healing Space website, you agree that the messages you will be receiving are spiritual advice channeled from your Higher Self and Spirit Team. They are not a substitute for advice, programs or treatment from a licensed medical, psychological, legal or financial professional.


Adele is not a "miracle healer" and as such she will provide no guarantee regarding the effectiveness of the:


* Energy Healing/Soul Alignment session that she will facilitate, or,

* Light Language Transmission that she will create for you.


Of course, the above statement does not mean that she does not believe in miracles.

It also does not mean that she cannot help you to create miracles for yourself, in your healing journey.


It simply means that she will assist you by starting & working with your current vibrational setpoint, i.e. the overall energetic frequency of your consciousness.


For example, if you arrive to your appointment already believing in miracles, and you are feeling ready to receive such miracles, then this particular mindset/belief system may assist in bringing about optimum results after the energy healing session(s).


Adele's role as an energy healer is to help you:


a) raise your overall vibrations to a higher level, and,

b) gain the ability to maintain that higher level over time.


Please understand that almost no one who currently works, as a doctor/medical professional/allied health practitioner/Reiki healer, will be willing to tell their patients that the treatments they provide will work without fail, 100% of the time.


Instead of giving you potentially unrealistic promises, if they are a genuinely caring & compassionate health practitioner, they will simply assist you to the best of their abilities (with the modality they had been trained in) - to reach the desired short/medium/long term health goals. 


This is especially relevant for you to understand if you/your loved ones (attending the session), have been chronically ill for a long time; have a disability, or a life-threatening disease. 


For people who have booked for a channeled reading session with Adele, you will be receiving spiritual guidance.

​Please keep in mind that Adele is not a professional counselor, or a financial advisor.


The information that is received from Adele in the channeled reading session is yours to interpret as you please. 

She cannot be held liable for life choices that you might make in the future, after your session with her.


And thus, it is highly recommended that you use your own discretion & intuitive wisdom, or seek advice from other professionals as well - before deciding whether or not to follow the spiritual advice given.  


Adele Arini's Raphaels Healing Space will never give spiritual advice that conflicts with the advice given by your own medical professional, or advice from other professionals currently looking after your life affairs.


When having an energy healing/a channeled reading session with Adele, you must understand that you are ultimately the one responsible for your life; your choices; your health.


And as such, it is important that you arrive to your session with a realistic expectation on the outcome of your reading/healing session. 


Ultimately, Adele is simply a channel or facilitator of higher-vibrational information/energy transference.


And so, what happens during & after your reading/energy healing session will be unique to you.


Thus, the outcome that you will experience after your session with us will depend entirely on you/your Higher Self, as it will mostly be out of the Channeler/Energy Healer's complete control.


Before making any major, life-changing decisions you might want to seek advice from other professionals as well.


​Adele reserves the right to decline your request to book any service that is listed on this website - for reason(s) that may or may not be disclosed to you. This doesn't happen very often, however in the event if it happens to you, please understand that it is to serve the Higher Good of both you & Adele.


All materials and information provided on her website are meant to give people general spiritual guidance only.




1) Full payment must now be made upfront, at least 2 days for most appointments.

Soul Lineage appointments require full payments to be made at least 7 days prior.


For on-site appointments (if/when applicable), a full payment is required, minimum 48 hours prior to our face-to-face meeting at location. 


If payment is not received, by the due date (48 hours before on-site appointment), your booking will be cancelled.

2) Once payment has been made, a minimum notice of 48 hrs is now required for all 'energy healing/channeled reading session' cancellations, for you to get a full refund.


Once payment has been made for enrolment into a Course, if you wish to cancel and get a refund, you must satisfy the following two criteria:


* Refund request is received by us, with a minimum of 7 days prior to the date of your Online Workshop, and/or,


* You have not gained access to the course's e-Learning materials.


After giving us a minimum of 48 hours' notice, the amount that will be refunded (for a cancellation) is:


the full amount you have paid, minus the non-refundable Square/PayPal fees (this is due to Square/PayPal immediately deducting their fees, from the money that you have paid).


Please note, Adele reserves the right to cancel all sessions and arrange a refund for any reason (always faithfully following her inner guidance). Her reason(s) for cancelling a session may be due to:


a) The perfect Divine Timing for your appointment with her has not arrived, or,

b) She strongly feels that she is not able to help you, or,

c) She is not the most suitable person to help you out right now.

d) Unexpected changes to her personal situations.


Regardless of the cause, the reason for any cancellation/refund, the amount of money that you will receive is:

the full AUD amount you had originally paid, minus all applicable Square/PayPal fees.

(Reason #d is the only exception --> you will receive a full refund if a cancellation is caused by unexpected changes in Adele's personal situations).


We highly recommend that you contact us first (via email) to express your interest, before booking and paying for any one of her services. 



Limited refund will be issued for your onsite or online reading/healing session, if your cancellation request is received less than 48 hrs prior to your appointment.



Cancellation Fees (relevant for cancellations received less than 48 hours before & for all NO-SHOWs):


ON-SITE 1-hour session: $50

ON-SITE 2-hour session: $80


ONLINE 1-hour session: $50

ONLINE 2-hour & 2.5-hour session: $80​

ONLINE 3-hour session (e.g. Soul Lineage): $111



​​No refund will be issued for your enrolment fee (if you have enrolled in one of our Courses):


* if your cancellation request is received after you have gained access to the Course's e-Learning materials,


* if your cancellation request is received less than 7 days prior to the start of your Teams Workshop. 


​Furthermore, all course materials that have been provided to you via: email, Moodle e-Learning Platform, YouTube channel, or Microsoft Teams, are the properties of Raphael's Healing Space.


Course materials cannot be copied, distributed, translated to other languages, reproduced in any other manner, or, used in any unauthorized way (except for your own private use as a course participant), without prior written permission from Raphael's Healing Space. 


** Your support, of our rights as creator of those learning materials, is deeply appreciated - thank you. ** 

3) A minimum of 24 hours‘ notice is now required to reschedule your ON-SITE & ONLINE appointment to another day.


​If your request to reschedule is received:

a) less than 24 hours before the start of your ON-SITE appointment, or,


b) after your ON-SITE appointment time has arrived, the following fees will be applied.


Reschedule Fees for ON-SITE appointments:


1-hour session: $40

2-hour session: $70


The Reschedule Fee will be used to recover the non-refundable rent that we will have paid in advance, to reserve the treatment room for your on-site session. 


We will send you an invoice for the Reschedule Fee which must be paid before booking for a new session on a different time/date can be accepted.​


Please note that a new, on-site session will not be arranged if there is a Reschedule Fee owing for a previous booking. 



​For ONLINE appointments, a total of 3 reschedule requests (requests that are received less than 24 hours before the start of your appointment) will be allowed per calendar year (January to December period).


​If/when you have exceeded this limit (in any calendar year), a $20 fee will be payable every time your intention to reschedule is communicated to us less than 24 hours before the start of your ONLINE appointment. 



If/when you feel that you cannot make it in time to your appointment, please get in touch with Adele at least 24 hours before, instead of leaving it to the very last minute.


We completely understand that unexpected situations may occasionally arise, and thus, we simply request that you communicate it with us A.S.A.P. so that a suitable solution can be provided.

4) If you have purchased one of our two Programs, it is your responsibility to keep track of the sessions that you are entitled to, so that you can use them all within 12 months.


All unused energy healing/channeled reading session(s) will expire 12 months from the date of purchase.


Unused sessions are non-refundable and non-transferable (to another individual). 


Once payment has been made for any Program, if you wish to cancel and get a refund, you must satisfy the following two criteria:


* You have not had the first session with Adele, and,

* Your request for a refund/cancellation is received by Adele, a minimum of 48 hours before the first session.

5) As an empath (an extremely sensitive person), there maybe times in the future when Adele feels unwell due to various possible reasons, e.g. energy upgrades, intense personal purification/healing process, a traumatic event affecting the entire human collective, etc.


During those periods of high energy intensity, and, if/when other unexpected events (usually beyond her control) were to occur, please be aware that Adele may contact you to request a reschedule. 


Rest assured that if/when this happens, Adele will be in touch with you as soon as possible. 

Thank you for your understanding. 

6) The duration of all sessions will now be as per listed in our 'Services' page - with no exceptions.


If you feel that you need additional time, then please advise Adele before your appointment begins so that extra time can be billed in advance - to ensure the entire session flows uninterrupted.


Please be aware that if you happen to arrive late for your appointment, the duration of your ONLINE/ON-SITE appointment will be reduced accordingly.


For example, if you are 10 minutes late for your 60 minutes appointment, the remaining time you have left for your session 50 minutes.


** This is especially important for all ON-SITE appointments, because your room might already be reserved for a different allied health professional right after your appointment. **



However, please keep in mind that after your 60/120/150/180-minutes ONLINE or ON-SITE session is over, it is sometimes possible for you to purchase more time (depending on Adele's availability and/or depending on the room's availability at the time).


You can purchase 30-minutes additional time (for online session), or 60-minutes additional time (for on-site session). 


For an on-site session, if your treatment room happens to be available for a time extension, I can only book it for a minimum of 60 minutes (no 30-minutes extensions).


For an ONLINE session, the invoice detailing the additional time purchased, will be sent to you via email for you to pay, after the session is over.


For an ON-SITE session, you will need to pay for the additional time before you leave the premises.


We prefer to accept card payments, or electronic payments (e.g. PayID via your banking app) for ON-SITE sessions.

Cash is also accepted, but exact change must be prepared beforehand.


ONLINE session:

The cost for each additional 30 minutes = AUD 40.


ON-SITE session:

The cost for each additional 60 minutes = AUD 80. 

7) All ONLINE sessions will be facilitated using the Microsoft Teams platform.


Prior to your session with Adele, please download the free 'Microsoft Teams' app, into the electronic device (e.g. cell phone, laptop, tablet, or PC - anything that has a working camera) that you will be using for the live video session.


You can join a scheduled meeting, by simply clicking on the link that you can find, inside the Teams invitation email that will be sent to you (after payment is received).


If you are a new Teams user, it is important that you get yourself familiar with using Teams prior to your actual appointment with Adele.


It is recommended that you first test it out (e.g. by connecting via an online video chat) with a friend/family member - before your meeting with Adele. Make sure everything is operational - especially your video & audio settings.

And simply familiarize yourself with using Teams.


On the day of the appointment, Adele will allow a maximum of 5 minutes for you to fix any electronic device/Teams technical issue without reducing the duration of your session.


If it takes you more than 5 minutes to fix any type of technical/Teams issue, your session time will then be reduced accordingly. For example, if it takes you 30 minutes to fix a technical issue, then your 90-mins session will be reduced accordingly to 60 minutes. If you prefer to cancel the session due to this, you will receive a partial refund (minus the time Adele has spent, when waiting around for you to fix the technical/Teams issue).


The amount of refund will be calculated on a pro rata basis, based on the amount of time spent. 


For example:

You have paid AUD 150 for a session that's supposed to last 90 minutes. That means the session costs you $1.66 per minute. Due to a technical issue, you had spent a total of: 30 mins of Adele's time and now you only have 60 mins left. Adele has advised you of this and then, instead of continuing with the session, you prefer to get a refund instead. 

The total amount of refund that you will receive is: $150 - (30 x 1.66) = $100.


The only ways to avoid paying this pro-rata penalty, are: 


1) by making sure you are familiar with using Teams, prior to your appointment with Adele.


2) by asking Adele to reschedule your appointment to another day that will be convenient for you both (after spending a maximum of five minutes of trying to fix your technical issue). Please keep in mind, that the duration of your rescheduled appointment will be for the amount of time left over - after deducting the time that you have used to fix the technical issue.


** We highly recommended that you arrive to your appointment at least 1 minute before your TEAMS appointment starts, to avoid having your session time reduced. **


​A link to the video recording of your channeling session will be sent to your email address within 48 hours after the session. This recording will be set to expire within 12 months (unless if you have requested for a different arrangement with Adele). 

Please make a payment for your session, only if/when you have agreed to our Disclaimer & Booking Policy.


Your payment will indicate that you have read, understood and accepted the above Disclaimer and ALL Terms & Conditions. 

By attending your appointment and, by using Adele Arini's Raphaels Healing Space services, you are in fact demonstrating your agreement and full acceptance of the above Disclaimer and all of our Terms & Conditions.


Our booking policy was created to facilitate a fair & respectful treatment for all parties involved. 


Just like we respect and acknowledge how important and valuable your time is, thank you for doing the same for us.


Your loving cooperation is very much appreciated. Namaste. 



Adele Arini appreciates the importance of protecting your personal information.


Adele Arini's Raphaels Healing Space does not sell any personal information collected, nor does she disclose it without your permission. 


(Last updated: 24 September 2024)


- Hours of Operation -

Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday:

9 AM to 2 PM, and 5 PM to 8 PM.


Sunday: 10 AM to 1 PM. 


Times are in AEDT (Aus. Eastern Daylight Time).


​Sessions are available both on-site & online.



- Adele Arini -

Reiki Master Healer.

Pellowah Practitioner.

Access Bars Practitioner (BP).

Spiritual & Ascension Guide.

Light Language Practitioner & Teacher.

Soul Lineage/Akashic Records Guide.





ABN: 96 545 019 054

- Contact us -

Located 10-15 minutes' walk from Murrumbeena Train Station.


Melbourne VIC 3163 - Australia.


Click on 'Contact us' tab at the top of the page & fill in the form, if you wish to get in touch. 



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Copyright © 2015 - 2025 Adele Arini's Raphaels Healing Space. All rights reserved.


All images and contents on this website must not be copied, used, reproduced or distributed without written permission.


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